College Byers

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Screw following the plot of the show. Will goes to college and meets a group of people who shortly become his friends. 

 Will could not have been happier to move out of his small town in Indiana. He, of course, would miss his mom and maybe her boyfriend, but that was all. He had no friends throughout his high school life, besides the librarian, but that was something he would never admit to anyone. He had enjoyed sneaking off to read a book in the long woodsy library, preferring this to eating lunch by himself. Will got accepted into a small college just off east coast of Lake Michigan. Looking forward to the long nights he would spend in the scenic downtown area and on the cold beach, his heart fluttered with excitement. Or perhaps he had mistaken it for anxiety. Meeting his roommate was something that had been heavy on his mind for a very long while, in fact he had feared this very thing the day his acceptance letter came in.

As he trailed up the handsome staircase, hearing the dark wood creak underneath every step, his heart rate increased. He heard the soft murmur of boys piled up on the landing and in the hallway where his dorm was located. He skillfully balanced the boxes while his back ached with holding the weight of his bag. His knees made noises he convinced himself he could hear before he came across his door, reading '47' on a thin, gold plaque.

He twisted the door knob as he felt people brush passed his shoulder, carrying their own boxes, suitcases trailing behind them, bags that were so heavy it made them lean forward. The boys were no doubt rowdy, and Will whispered to himself how he prayed that the one shouting did not turn out to be his roommate.

He walked in and saw the depressing cinderblock walls, the banal beds which sat lonesome and empty, waiting to be claimed. Will picked the one furthest from the door, setting down his boxes and turning back to close the door. Immediately a muffled silence fell across his temporary home. He ran a hand through his sweaty head and began unpacking the first box, his clothes. At the foot of his bed was a desk identical to the one adjacent from it. On the wall that he would face if he were laying down was the closets, which were covered by curtains much like the ones that hung on the wall covering the window, thin and worn, casting a yellow haze across the room and muffling the natural light.

As he unpacked, folding his clothes to the best of his ability and stacking his textbooks and novels on the aged desk, pulling his twin sized comforter out of a box along with his sheets and pillows, he heard the door knob jolt. He held his breath and turned. The door was still closed, but he watched as the door knob turned and as if in slow motion, someone walked in. A boy his age, brown curly hair, clumsy and an odd stance, wearing a hat with something tacky plastered on it. He wore jeans that were cut off just below the knee, a white shirt with green sleeves, and a genuine smile that made his eyes disappear and show off his teeth, or lack there of.

"Hello!" He said, letting go of his suitcase and walking to Will, completely ignoring his handshake and going in for a full hug. Will was caught off guard and tried to reach his hands around the boy awkwardly. " 'Name's Dustin Henderson." He said.

"Will Byers" Will said, forcing a smile.

"So glad we're gonna be roommates. What's your major?"


"Mine's science, mainly into physical science, but bio's cool too. You from around here?" He said, filling Will with a lot of sudden information that made his head spin.

"No, I'm from Indiana."

"Ah, well I have a lot of friends here who went to high school with me. My house is about a 5 minutes walk."

"Oh, cool!" Will said with false enthusiasm. He really did think it was interesting.

"Yeah, they should be coming over later if that's ok with you. I'm sure they're gonna love you, they're really nice, and, to be completely honest, we're just a bunch of nerds. Spent our life playing D&D in a basement." Dustin said, and by now he was going through his suitcase. "Anyways, there's Lucas, Mike, El, and Max, I'll introduce them all when they get here." He said. Will became overly aware of the silence that was only being interrupted by the voices outside, coming through the doorway of the door Dustin left open.

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