fried brain.

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takes place after the events of s4. :) this ones gonna be a little short btw

3rd person POV:

Mike was visiting the Byers this summer in California. After the long process of Mike figuring out he didn't really love El, they decided it would be better to just be friends. Will had overheard the conversation on the phone and was there to comfort his sister. But she acted fine so that was a relief. 

Mike dressed more appropriately compared to whatever he was wearing last time. When he got to the airport, Mike and Will actually hugged. They didn't last time for some reason, though they both really wanted too. It turned out to be really awkward. But they forgot about it and moved on. Will was happy when Mike was actually giving him attention this time. Last time he had been third wheeling hard, but he brought it to Mike's attention.

Mike was talking to Will about things that were happening at Hawkins recently. He told him how Max was getting better and how Lucas and her should be going on a date soon. Will was glad to hear this. El was too. 

El had brought up going to the skating rink again. There was a collective flashback to what had happened, and they all decided to avoid the rink at all costs. Mike had briefly brought up to Will how he was tired from the plane ride, so he suggested they just stay at the house. They all agreed and Argyle started driving them home.

Argyle and Jonathan were high as kites, there was no denying that. But Will and El had gotten used to it, so they payed no mind. 

When they got to the house Argyle asked if he could stay for a while. He said that he's been sitting down too long and cant feel his butt. So Jonathan let him stay for dinner. Will was so excited to show Mike all of his paintings and artworks he had worked on since the last time they had saw each other. But he controlled himself. He let Mike and El catch up and decided that Mike would come to him when he's ready. 

so Will went to his room and grabbed his sketch book. he started drawing little doodles here and there. Some of him as a wizard, some of dragons. He heard a knock on his door before someone quietly turned the knob and walked in. It was Mike.

He smiled at him and Will returned it. "Thought you might be asleep or something" Mike said closing the door behind him. 

"Nope, just drawing" Will said, getting back to his doodles.

"Did you not want to talk to me" Mike said, faking a sad expression on his face then sat next to Will on the bed. 

"What? No i just thought you and El would want to talk first." Will stated, not taking his eyes off his sketches. 

Mike nodded. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked.

"Oh it's nothing, just some doodles for when i'm bored." He said. 

"Can i see?" He asked scooting closer to Will. Will turned his sketch book around and showed Mike. Mike took the sketch book out of Will's hands to get a better look. He smiled at the sketches and then flipped to the next page.  Will immediately panicked, he snatched the book from Mike's hands. But Mike didn't let go.

"Miiikeee, come one let go" Will begged.

"I wanna look at your drawings though." He said with another sad face. 

Will rolled his eyes, but he genuinely didn't want Mike to look through it. He remembered some of the drawings that were in his book. Mike didn't let go though. Will tried to pull it away, but Mike didn't budge. 

Will pulled the book over himself, but Mike came with it. Mike was on top of Will and they were both cracking up. 

"Willll, let me see" Mike begged, hovering over Will.

"No!" Will laughed. 

There was a knock at the door, and before they had time to process the position they were in, Jonathan let himself inside. Will and Mike turned their heads. 

"Oh, shit I'm sorry, i didn't mean to walk in on this" Jonathan started stammering. But the more he left the door open the stronger the smell of weed became. It was clear to everyone that Jonathan was high. He had a monotone voice and he just looked out of it. 

"Oh- uh this isn't what it looks like" Will blushed, "I was uh... just showing him my drawings" 

Mike nodded in agreement, but couldn't help the blush on his face. He got off of Will and sat back on the edge of the bed. 

"It's ok, I won't tell mom." Jonathan smiled. 

Will and Mike shot each other looks. they both looked flustered. 

"I knew you liked him Will I just thought Mike liked El" Jonathan shrugged. Will got so red.

"Oh my god, what did you want?" Will yelled before Jonathan could say anything else. 

"what? Oh- I just wanted to tell you me and Argyle are gonna go get a pizza" Jonathan said. 

"You're high though- never mind" Will shook his head, "Ok see you" 

Jonathan nodded, he was about to close the door but then he poked his head back in, "you guys weren't gonna-"

"OH MY GOD GET OUT" Will yelled putting his face in his hands. 

"ok, ok" he closed the door.

"i'm so sorry about him" Will said, "He's so high, his brain is fried i swear." Will rambled. 

"Yeah" Mike sighed. "But was it true? do you likeee me" Mike smiled.

"What? I don't- no?" Will said unconvincingly. 

"mhm, sure" Mike was smiling even bigger now, "I think you're lying" 

"What do you mean?" Will said, doing everything in his power to not look at Mike. 

Mike was getting a little too close to Will. Will was so flustered. he was adjusting how he was sitting every second. 

Mike was impossibly close to Will. Their faces were so close they could feel each other's breath. Mike leaned in and kissed Will. Will was shocked. He didn't close his eyes because he didn't think it was happening. But he began to ease into it. He kissed back. after a while the kiss came to a stop and they both started laughing.

"Were you lying?" Mike whispered. 

Will nodded. "Yeah" 

"I like you too" Mike smiled. 

"You do?" Will asked.

"Wasn't that obvious?" Mike laughed then kissed Will again.

my cat will do the closing note. 



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