Christmas and New year's special :)

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so... I thought why not do a tacky Christmas/new years story. takes place after s4 and s5 events. Also Mike and El aren't dating bc I said so. They broke up. I don't have a reason, make one up. 

Will greedily took the package out of the mailbox. It had arrived on Christmas eve which was when all of his friends were having their christmas. Will had been the one to suggest it since they would be spending basically all day with their families. He had been waiting for Mike's present to arrive, his was the only one that hadn't been hand-made, the other's he had made paintings or drawings for. He was most proud of the painting for Dustin, he had painted a 3 headed dragon, similar to the one that had been in Mike's painting that he had given him months ago. He was eager to open the package and look at what he had ordered in the flesh. He dashed up his driveway already too aware that he was going to be the reason they were late. El had all of her presents in the car already and was ready to go.

He hopped along the floor of the entryway and sprinted to his room. He was greeted with the mess that he had fallen asleep on: tape, wrapping paper, scissors, he moved all of these things to the side and set the box in the middle of his cluttered bed. Before he opened Mike's gift, he looked at his watch, he was already 10 minutes late and didn't want to be the reason his friends had to wait to open his presents. He sighed before deciding to wrap Mike's present without looking at the condition of it. He sloppily wrapped it the was his mom had taught him to a few nights ago, with golden shimmery wrapping paper, if he hadn't been under so much pressure he would have taken the time to look at it and all of it's details as he had done the night before. But he was in a time crunch so he hurriedly folded up the sides, he had pieces of tape that were sticking halfway on his forearm. He had never neatly but quickly wrapped a present in his life. 

He looked at his completed work, which of course was a little sloppy, but he thought if Mike asked (which he found highly unlikely) he would just say he was bad at wrapping, he thought it a little embarrassing to admit he had wrapped the present only minutes ago. Will gathered all of the fragile papers that he had drawn, piling them on top of Mike's gift. He grabbed Lucas' and Dustin's paintings which were rolled up and tied in the center with a piece of rough thin rope. 

His hands were full as he blindly walked out of the house. The harsh and cold wind carried the  the faint sound of an engine. He saw that his mom and El were in the car, El was in the front seat and both of them were looking at him expectantly. Her hair had grown out a considerable amount and had looked a lot like it did the first time El and Will had met. it was dark brown and curly. He struggled opening the back door, but finally did so and neatly placed his gifts next to El's. Joyce turned around at Will who was trying to balance breathing too loud or dying for lack of oxygen. He gave a small smile which she returned, then put the car in reverse. 

 Will looked out of his window at the drive he knew all to well from diving from his house to Mike's house or vice versa. He was excited to see Mike, he had been away for a week on a trip to Michigan. Will thought it was funny how much Mike complained to him about it. He said his dad, Ted, had insisted they go to Michigan and go skiing, though none of them had ever been skiing before. Will would be grateful to go on a trip like that. Or in fact to go on a trip anywhere. 

Joyce pulled up in the Wheeler's driveway and Will had already began grabbing his gifts and some of El's (which were actually quite heavy) Once they were stacked so tall they obstructed his vision, he opened the door and got out. He had heard El open the other door and start grabbing the remainder of hers. Joyce was walking with them to the front door, Will knew it wasn't a protective thing anymore and that she was probably stopping by to see Karen, so he didn't  say anything. Joyce, being the only one with free hands, rang the doorbell and they sat there in silence until someone opened the door. 

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