The snowball dance

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this story takes place at the end of season 2. At the snowball dance thing of course. Also tysm to @silverboa for the suggestion :)

Mikes POV:

My dad was tying my tie around my neck. My mom insisted that I wore it because it 'was a formal event that i had to look nice for." Whatever the hell that means. The dumb thing was choking me. I could barely breath, and then to add on to it, she told me to put a sweater over it. Whats the point of having the tie then? 

I didn't question much longer. I was just so ready to get this dance over with. Will and I had gotten really close over the past few days, not that we weren't close in the first place, but we just spent every hour of ever day together recently. I would sleep by him in the hospital, and if we were at his house I would lay out a blanket and sleep there. He would wake up out of breath and sweating sometimes, but i would always be there. I started realizing that i was having certain feelings for him. And not like the kind of feelings you get like when you are friends with someone, like the kind you have when you have a crush.

I didn't know what they meant really. The first time i really allowed myself to feel those feelings was when Will had lost some of his memory. And yet he could still point out who i was out of everyone there. It made me feel happy. But i was also confused. Why did i feel a stronger desire to be with him? El didn't need me to protect her, she had herself for that. But Will? He didn't have anyone, maybe his mom and his brother but he didn't open up to them the way he opened up to me. He makes me feel like i'm somebody. Like i'm special to him. I let myself think on this for a few nights, when i realized that i might be thinking about Will a little more than i should. 

"Mike" My mom snapped. She caught my attention, "You ok? You zoned out" She asked handing me a brown jacket. 

"Yeah? I'm fine." I reassured. I noticed that she had a camera in her hands and i couldn't help but let out a groan. "Mom, really? Pictures?" 

"Yes really, smile" She exclaimed, pulling to the camera to her eye. 

After around 5 minutes of torture we went to the car. "There' a lot of layers mom" I complained, pulling on the collar to my third shirt. 

"You look nice, Michael" She shot back, getting in the car. I got in the passenger seat and then we were on our way to the snowball. 

I was really hoping that we wouldn't see El there. After I told her i didn't want to take her to the snowball anymore she dumped me and then started being really distant. But I didn't know what else to do. She was gone for so long and i only knew her for less than a week, and the whole time by best friend, no crush, no Will, was stuck in the upside down. 

When we pulled up my mom was dying to go inside to talk to the other parents. I told her that it was only for kids which kind of made her shut up. I walked inside waving at her one more time. When he opened the doors he heard a loud song playing throughout the entire gym. There were kids everywhere. Too much for Mike's liking but he was already in too deep to turn back now. He found where Lucas and Max were and joined them. We made small talk for a while, but most of the conversation was just them two flirting.

When i thought i was going to throw up at how disgusting they were being, someone walked behind me, they put their hand on the back of my chair and slid it to the other side, then they sat down. I took me less than a second to identify who it was. Will.

"Hey, Will" Lucas and Max said. He smiled at them and waved awkwardly, turning his attention to me. He looked really nice. He had on a white collar shirt with a blue tie and a vest over it all. His hair looked really soft too. 

These thought would have made me think i was going crazy, if i hadn't came to terms with my feelings. But i knew the way i felt about Will. So they weren't weird to me. 

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