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Takes place in mid S4. For this one the Byers didn't move they stayed in Hawkins. The plot about everything else is the same tho, El isn't there either. (I'm running out of titles) 

3rd person POV:

Will and Mike had been handed letters a few days ago. They were both told not to open them until they were told. They really didn't ask questions, and agreed. 

But now it was eating them up what the notes were about. They had been informed on Max's unfortunate situation with Vecna, and how Kate Bush saved her, but now the notes of everything Max wanted to say to them was right there. So of course they were going to be curious. But they respected Max enough to not look. 

When Max had told them about her first few 'symptoms' of nosebleeds and headaches, nightmares too, Will really wanted to say something. He had been waking up in cold sweats nearly every night. It was like he was having episodes again. Going back and forth between the upside down and the real world. Max said he can see your trauma because he gets inside your mind. he briefly mentioned this to Mike in secret, and it made him worry. 

Will barely got any sleep. He had a killer headache that was making it impossible to even think about sleep. He felt something tickle right above his mouth. He went to itch whatever it was, but when he pulled his hand away he saw blood on his fingers. He was having a nosebleed. He shot up off of his bed, waking Mike up (he insisted on staying there due to Will's nightmares) and went  straight to the bathroom. "Will," Mike mumbled with a tired voice.

Mike got up and went to the bathroom. Will had left the door open, so Mike walked in, seeing Will holding his nose with a tissue. "Shit dude, Did you hit your head or...?" Mike stammered as the realization settled. "There's no way. None, he can't take you of all people" Mike said, keeping a hushed voice.

"Is this really far fetched to you? I mean I was taken to the upside down, I was infected or whatever by the Mind Flayer. Now Vecna?" Will said. But he felt a bit more safe knowing that he could just play some music and get out of there.

"Ok, I'll go get your Walkman thing. The Clash, right?" He asked.

Shit. Will had a favorite song. It wasn't 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' though. It was something a little more...fruity. 

"uh, no its..." Will began. "You know what I'll get it." Will insisted, pushing passed Mike and to his room. 

He grabbed his Walkman and turned on a song. 'material girl' by Madonna started shooting through his ears. 

He might as well just tell everyone he's gay at this point, because they have to play this song to save him. Mike could hear the song outside of Will's headphones. He laughed at him. Will took off the headphones, ready to hear Mike tease him about his song choice. 

"Madonna?" He asked, Will nodded. "Her songs are like a guilty pleasure" Mike laughed, and Will was shocked. There's no way that Mike just said that. 

"You like Madonna?" Will asked. Mike nodded. "No way."

"You can't tell anyone though, especially Nance. She'll tease me about it until she moves out" Mike begged, then sat on Will's bed.

"I won't say anything." Will swore, Mike smiled. 

"Would you mind me sleeping up here with you, just you know in case he does get you or whatever. So i can be there. And because the floor is uncomfortable." He giggled.

"yeah, yeah, no thats fine" Will spilled out. He was over the moon that Mike was about to sleep in his bed. They hadn't done that since they were really little. But back then Will didn't know he had feelings for Mike.

Mike's POV:

I was embarrassed to tell Will about my Madonna fan girling. But i was honestly glad that he liked her too. It makes me feel less ashamed for my crush on him, because honestly, what straight guy in 1986 likes Madonna, and not for her looks.

I offered to sleep on Will's bed, i said it was so i could make sure the Vecna creep didn't get him, but in reality, i just wanted to be close to him, in any way. When we fell asleep he must have had another nightmare. He shot up and was out of breath. I tried to comfort him, I was tired so im really not sure what i did. 

When I woke up my arms were wrapped around him and his head was buried in my chest.I didn't dare move though. I would stay in the position until he woke up, and i did exactly that. I felt him Move a bit, I closed my eyes so he would think i was sleeping. He moved his head then carefully crawled out of my arms, i kind of helped him by moving a bit too.

I heard him sigh, but then radio silence. I cracked open my eye to see what he was doing. He was staring at the hallway. Weird. Maybe i should check on him. I sleepily get up and make my way over to him. When i saw what he looked like i was shocked. His eyes were White almost and rolled back to where the iris almost wasn't noticeable.

"Will" I asked, calmly at first. "Will, you there?" Shit. I don't waste any time grabbing the headphones and putting them on his head. "Will can you hear me" I started yelling, getting the attention of Jonathan. 

"Shit what's wrong?" Jonathan asked, walking in the door. "Will, can you hear me?" He shook Will's hands.

"Vecna. Vecna has him. I don't know what to do, I put on the music, i thought it would work." at this point i'm nearly in tears. "Come on Will" I shout. 

But what i saw next was horrifying. Will started floating. He was off of the bed and almost on the ceiling. "Will, come on" I shout again. Me and Jonathan are just yelling things at him, even though we don't know if he can even hear us or not. 

It felt like forever went by, i just wanted it to end. Everyone knows Will has a lot of trauma so i'll bet Vecna is just treating him like a dog. 

I heard a sharp inhale come from Will, then he fell back on the bed, i was quick to wrap my arms around him, let him cry into my shoulder. i comforted him asking if he was ok or if he needed anything. He just continued crying and hugging me back. Jonathan was rubbing him on the back, all three of us were in tears. 

"God, i love you so much Will." I muttered out, putting the side of my face in his hair. I meant it too. I love him as a friend, i love him more than a friend, i love him.

He didn't respond, but he hugged me tighter, and i knew what he meant. I picked up his head with my hand and kissed his forehead. I looked at him and smiled, and he did the same. We knew then that the feelings were mutual. 

-time skip 3 hours- 

Me and Will had been just laying in bed all day. Will started his day off pretty rough so a break wouldn't be so bad. He insisted i stayed with him, which i happily agreed to. 

"Hey will" I said facing towards him and running a hand trough his hair, "What happened when he took you? Or do you not want to talk about it" I ask. I didn't want him to talk about it if it was going to make him cry or pinch a nerve, i wanted him to feel happy.

"Well, he um. Well he was you at first" He said. 

"What, sorry im confused." I say

"He somehow turned himself into you, when i woke up you , or he, joined me on the edge of the bed and we were talking. It was like you confessed your feelings toward me, and i believed it. I told him, or you, i felt the same. But then when i went to hug you, you wouldn't let go. his skin turned grey and his hands were long. I tried to run away. And i did. I saw you and Jonathan at the edge of my bed while Madonna played" He giggled at the last part, but i saw a tear in his eye.

"Well, i'm real, Will. I promise. And i do like you. I love you actually. and i've never felt so confident saying that" I smiled kissing him on the forehead again. We stayed like this for a while, admiring each other's presence, until we both drifted off. 

Hopefully it wasn't confusing or anything, but yeah, hope you liked it (any request i can wright just lmk please) Also don't mind the title just felt suiting...<3 

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