Heartstopper pt 1

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I've only seen this show a thousand times... 

Heartstopper Bylerfied. btw Will plays PIANO in this. A much more romantic instrument than the drums...

Bringing an old character back btw ;) 


Will walked through the hallways clutching his phone excitedly. He was never happy at school, so for someone to make him want to go was near impossible. Yet his boyfriend found a way. Well, they weren't really boyfriends. Will was okay with it but his 'partner'... not so much, at least not with the label. He passed people in the hallways who talked about him, he was used to it. He was the only openly gay kid at the school. It felt irregular for them. He made his way to the library. The atmosphere dropped in noise level, quiet and vacant. The librarian stood behind her desk, crouched over holding a book in hand while the other one typed in something on her computer. 

He walked towards the back where he and the other boy decided to meet up in secrecy. He re-read the text he had gotten from him, it was over instagram. He couldn't be bothered to actually have Will's number. Walking towards the back further and deeper into the isles of books until he reached the dusty ones in which not a single person had touched in a long time. There he was, sitting down, back against a bookshelf. 

"Hi, Leo." Will smiled. 

Leo stood to his feet and brushed his hair back, it was black with a wave in it. It looked frizzy at times as if he had tried to brush the curls out. "Hey." Leo said, it was always awkward between them, just one more thing Will hated about dating him. "Uh... how was your Christmas break?" Leo asked quickly. They had been talking some over the at the beginning of last semester, of course only when it was convenient for Leo and when he had time, which was almost never. 

"Good, yeah, really good. We went to California and then we-" Will was cut off by Leo kissin him. He didn't really care about Will's break, just wanted to kiss a boy. Will reminded himself that he couldn't be too picky and went along with it. Leo wasn't a good kisser, his lips were thin and hardly moved. It was just like they had put their lips together and did nothing else. But Leo always beamed at him afterwards, smiling and removing his hand from his hair. 

"We'll have to meet up another time, I have to go, all right?" he said. Will slightly felt let down but nonetheless nodded and watched as Leo walked away with unapologetic eyes. He sat there for a minute, feeling disappointed. But half of him had expected it. He turned around, feeling less excited to continue the day. 

He walked out of the library where people talked excitedly about their Christmas vacations, their mumbles were making Will feel dizzy. Voices seemed to erupt from each side of him and he couldn't find who they belonged to. He suddenly wished he hadn't left his friends to be with Leo as he made his way to his first class of the day. The class was full of students being loud, goofing off as they did. He went to the teacher's desk. 

"Ah, Will Byers, let's see..." He said, grabbing the seating chart. Will had this teacher last year, he wasn't memorable or anything but that would explain why he knew his name. "You're over there by Mike Wheeler." He pointed to a corner of the room, before Will could look, the teacher said, "Plays football, only a year older than you. I'm sure you'll get along fine. Or not. It really doesn't matter to me." The teacher smiled at Will who scoffed and went to sit where he'd been told. Of course he'd heard about Mike Wheeler, popular and friends with almost all of Will's bullies. But when the students subconsciously cleared a path for Will to his chair, he saw him. Mike. Sitting with a paper on his desk and a pencil scribbling away. Maybe he'd felt Will's gaze, he looked up at him and smiled. 

Will always thought love at first sight was a hoax, until it was happening to him.

An involuntary smile lit up Will's face as he began to feel flustered at Mike's smile and his long black hair, and when he got closer, his freckles. His eyes were black, Will noticed this right away when he was staring at him. He sat down in the seat next to him, putting his bag next to himself on the floor. 

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