chapter 12 ~ together again

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God it was a fucking stupid idea to walk. There are goosebumps all over my arms, and my shoes are somehow full of snow. There is no stopping me making the worst goddamn choices when I'm feeling angsty. These snowy fields go on for fucking miles and I've only been walking for like 10 minutes but it feels like I've been trapped here for years! Maybe I should've just accepted Kyle's apology and gotten into the car, the warm comfy cozy welcoming car... I can't believe I've gotten to the point of daydreaming about being in a fucking car just because it has heating. It's dead silent and every breath I take is the only glimpse of sound I get. That was until I heard the sounds of an exhausted truck pull up behind me.
"Fuck are you doing out here darling'?!" Kenny yelled at me over the sound of his incredibly noisy car. Immediately, I ran up to him and began to clamber into his truck. At last I was safe from the cold!
"Kenny oh my god, you're my hero! It's so cold!" I gleefully said with a beaming smile, buckling my seatbelt and nuzzling into the warmth of the truck, not caring how dirty it was inside of it.
"Of course it's cold, there's snow everywhere! Sugar why were you walking out here?" Kenny inquisitively said, as he began to start the truck back up again so he could re continue driving.
"I don't wanna talk about it Ken, I'm sorry." I responded, with a slightly embarrassed look on my face. My cheeks and nose had become red from the cold, and my fingers felt as though they were frozen. Kenny noticed this and wrapped one of his arms around me, continuing to keep his other hand on the steering wheel.
"It's alright. I'm just glad I found you before you fucking froze to death!" He said in a joking manner. Unexpectedly, I felt a tap on my shoulder so I quickly turned around to look at the small backseat. It was a boy with light blonde hair and a large scar running cross one of his eyes.
"Well hey there miss! You fellas woke me up from my nap! Are we nearly there yet?" The cute boy said in an incredibly unexpected southern accent. Kenny began to laugh.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I was giving Butter's a lift. No dude, we still have like another ten minutes to go before we arrive." Kenny said with a big grin on his face, he was still loudly laughing.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you Butters! I'm (y/n)!" I outstretched my arm and began to shake his hand in a friendly way. He enthusiastically shook back, squeezing my hand and flashing a large boyish smile.
"Well it's very nice to meet you too!" Butters happily and excitedly responded.
Throughout the rest of the car ride, the three of us chatted to our hearts content. I repeatedly thanked Kenny for stopping for me, because who knows what could've happened to me without him! Butters told me all about a new video game he had recently gotten, it was some Hello Kitty game which made me giggle. I have to admit, he seems really sweet. I also listened to Butters complain about Eric being his book report pattern, but once I told him we were actually cousins, he seemed so embarrassed and stopped talking about Cartman completely. Kenny's truck loudly hummed all the way to the carnival, I'm surprised it even managed to make it there! But eventually, we finally arrived. The sky was already pretty dark even though the time is only 2:10PM. I noticed Kyle's car parked in the car park, but he wasn't sat in it. Kenny, me and Butters walked to the ticket gate, but just as I went to get my purse out of my bag, Kenny had somehow managed to already pay for me and him. Butter's insisted on buying his own ticket, saying his parents would definitely ground him if they found out someone was paying for him. We made our way into the fairground and began looking around for the rest of the group. There were neon lights all around us, all in random colours. The sounds of rides and screams filled my ears, making it difficult to hear what people were saying to me.

 The sounds of rides and screams filled my ears, making it difficult to hear what people were saying to me

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