chapter 6 ~ flirty bunch of boys

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The sun shined down on my face through the window, illuminating my face with a golden glow. I pushed my hair out of my face, pulling it behind my ears, looking down I saw a pair of hands wrapped around my waist, its fingers intertwined.
Beep, beep, beep
My alarm clock began to beep signalling that it was 6AM, I flipped over to face the other side of my room and my face was immediately blinded by Kyle's red hair blocking my view, tickling the tip of my nose. He grumbled, making an annoyed face with his eyes still closed. I stretched my arm out to hit the alarm clock, allowing myself another 10 minutes of time to watch him, before finally waking him up. Looking down, I ogled at his stomach as his T-shirt had ridden up during the night, placing my hands on his torso I unfortunately woke him up. Kyle jolted awake, surprised by my cold hands on his bare skin. His piercing green eyes stared directly into my (e/c) eyes.
"Good morning (y/n), I almost thought last night was a dream..." Kyle said with a big grin on his face, obviously pleased with what had happened.
"Well you better keep quiet about it today, I can't have my new school thinking I'm some kind of slut." I cheekily said.
"Now why would they think that, you just had a very normal sleepover with the biggest nerd in school, nothing special happened." He responded, teasing me. I rolled my eyes and sat up in bed pulling down my dress that had ridden up my body during the night.
"In all seriousness (y/n), don't worry about it. I'm not going to tell anyone." Reassuring me, he gave me a pat on the back, also sitting up in bed. I pointed at the alarm clock that said 06:10, Kyle smacked his face with his hand, grumbling some random swears.
"I guess we should get ready then, before everyone gets suspicious why we arrived late together." He got out of bed and then grabbed my hand to help me up. Scanning the room he located his bag and pulled out a flannel shirt, some dark jeans, some boxers and a pair of socks. Kyle proceeded to slide off his pyjama bottoms, folding them up and putting them back into his bag before doing the same with his shirt.
"Come on dude, I gotta change my boxers or else I'll be gross all day, are you really gonna stand there and watch me?" Kyle's face was bright red, standing there in the middle of my room, freezing.
"My room, my rules" I walked up to him and poked his cheek with my index finger before returning to the corner of my room where my wardrobe is.
"Whatever the lady wants." He responded with a charming but geeky smile. He slid off his boxers, but covered his privates with his shirt, and then he quickly eased on his new pair of boxers. He threw the old underwear onto my desk.
"Very much so." I said with a big grin. He continued to get dressed and I began to do the same. I grabbed a sleeveless turtleneck, a brown faux leather skirt and a pair of tights from my wardrobe. I put all of my clothes on in a provocative manner, just to tease Kyle. It definitely worked but we were both too preoccupied with getting ready for school to act on any teenage urges.

You hear banging on the front door of your house

For fucks sake, did he really have to come walk with me today?!
"Uh, who's that? Its like incredibly early." Kyle said with a bewildered face.
"It's Eric, he promised my mom he'd come walk with me everyday this week..." His face dropped as soon as I said Eric, he ran to grab his bag, stuffing anything that was on the chair into it, presuming it was all his things.
"Holy shit, holy shit, we can tell him I slept in your guest bedroom or something." I rested my hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him down.
"Kyle don't worry, he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the box. He won't suspect anything." He melted under my touch, immediately being reassured by my words. I walked over to my desk, stuffing everything on it into my school bag, as that's where I put my pencil case and papers.

Eric once again banged on your front door

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag, and Kyle's hand to lead him downstairs. He swung his bag around his shoulder and scurried along behind me. Once we got down the stairs I put my coat and shoes on and Kyle plopped his hat on top of my head.
I slammed my front door open to be met by Eric's grumpy face.
"What took you so long, it's freezi---, What the fuck is he doing here?!" Eric's face was full with shock as he pointed his finger in Kyle's face.
"Relax fatass, I just slept over so I could help her with some homework, you know they're tough on the new students." Kyle hopefully said, trying to rid any suspicions Cartman had.
"Yes, he's been very helpful!" I added in, tapping Kyle's shoulder with my hand.
"Whatever guys, just don't make me wait out here in the cold for so fucking long next time, it's already six forty!" Cartman stomped his foot on the ground. Me and Kyle both rolled our eyes and I locked the front door behind us.

We all walked side by side to the bus stop, seeing Kenny and Stan already there waiting for us, Kyle waved at them and walked in front of us so he could go greet them.
"Kyle how are you of all people late dude, I thought you weren't gonna come for a minute there!" Stan said with an agitated voice. Kenny nodded, giving Kyle a puzzled look.
"I'm sorry guys, I slept over at (y/n)'s house so I could help her with some homework, the alarm clock in the guest bedroom didn't work so I woke up like fifteen minutes late." Kyle said as he ruffled his hair, trying to hide the blush on his face. Stan just sighed in retaliation before continuing the conversation he was having with Kenny prior to our arrival. Cartman joined them, as he was still pissed about how long I took to answer the door. Me and Kyle stood side by side, giving each other meaningful glances, but not engaging in a conversation.

The bus pulls up to the bus stop

We all made our way onto the bus, Cartman sat next to Kyle, Stan sat next to Wendy, and Kenny sat next to me.
"The pool yesterday was actually really fun, thanks for suggesting it, I'm surprised Kyle even agreed to it cause he normally hates swimming." Kenny said, trying to start some sort of conversation with me.
"No problem, I'm not much of a swimmer myself, so sorry if it was lame of me to not go on any slides, they were just way too scary." Kenny smirked and pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Don't worry about it darling, maybe next time we can go do something you aren't scared of. There's gonna be a carnival at the weekend, how do you feel about rides?" He pushed his face close to mine and his slight country accent could be heard in his deep voice. I blushed and went on to say,
"I like rides. Maybe we can all go? That's if you guys would like to go with me?"
"I would love to sugar." He said in a flirty voice, almost whispering. I pulled my face away from his and turned around on my seat to face where Kyle and Cartman were sitting. Kyle noticed me and said,
"Hey (y/n), me and Cartman were just talking about the Carnival that's happening at the weekend, you wanna go with us? You surely can't be scared of both slides and rides!"
"Yeah, you can't be a pussy this time (y/n), or else there's never gonna be any point in going." Cartman said in a smug voice, glaring directly at me. Kyle jabbed him in the stomach to defend me.
"Listen, I love rides, and yes, I would love to go with you guys. Kenny already asked me like a minute before you guys asked!" Kenny began to laugh at what I had said...
"I'm sure you love 'rides' (y/n)" He said with a mischievous grin, Cartman shot him a disgusted look and Kyle did the same.
"That's my cousin dude, gross! Shut your mouth Kenny."
"Yeah dude that's gross, you know that's not what she meant. But are you guys going together? Like just you two? It's totally fine if you are I just thought we were all gonna go togeth—" Kyle said trying to hide his disappointment.
"No Kyle haha, he said we were all gonna go." I responded sweetly, reassuring him.
"Oh, cool, cool, cool." Cartman began to laugh at Kyle's embarrassed face but Kyle just turned his face away, pushing Cartman away from him. We all re continued our 1 on 1 conversations until we finally arrived at our hideous yellow school.

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