chapter 3 ~ a date?

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1st person POV ~

His hand feels so soft, they perfectly match his soft personality! I get lost in the warmth of my hand in his until we abruptly and unfortunately arrive at the Math class. I peek in through the door and look around the dreaded room... Maybe it won't be so bad if I have a friend with me. An incredibly cute friend at that! And he did say he concentrates so hopefully he's smart.

"Come on (y/n) I'll show you where we sit!" He leads me into the classroom hand in hand and sits us down at our 2 person desk. It's in a nice spot, directly at the back, and next to a window. He helps me settle down into the window seat. Opening up my bag, I retrieve my pencil case and Hello Kitty branded water bottle.

"Haha, so cute! Hello kitty! What a dork!" He pokes fun at me in a playful way and flashes a wide grin, showing off his beautiful features. He takes his hat off my head in order to teasingly ruffle my hair before plopping it right back down onto my now scraggly head.
"Hey, Hello Kitty is not dorky! She's super cute!" I retaliate "And don't mess up this hair mister, it took me ages to make sure I looked okay for my first day!"
"Ha, sorry I couldn't help it, and yes... Hello Kitty totally isn't dorky... You're almost as delusional as fatass!" Kyle jokingly says. His cheeks light up to be as red as his hair before they slowly return back to its original tone.

Thankfully, maths class passes pretty quickly with Kyle there helping you, showing you the ropes

"Even with your help I will never understand algebra, I swear they made it up just to torture me! When am I ever gonna use this in the real world anyway?!" I joke to Kyle but he seems completely distracted, he's staring at a rather pretty girl with curly blonde hair who is sat 2 seats in front of us... Of course, he has a girlfriend, and a beautiful one at that! I see him snap back into reality when I tap him on the shoulder.
"Oh! Sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to get distracted hah..." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck before continuing to answer his maths sheet.
"Soooo... Who is she? Your girlfriend? Not that it's any of my business!"
"Oh my god, no no no, she's not my girlfriend! That's Bebe, she used to like me so I was thinking about asking her out on a date... Stan has a girlfriend and so does Cartman, so I thought it was time I got one... Embarrassing, I know." He chuckles embarrassingly.
"Well, I'm not saying we will be girlfriend boyfriend or anything, but we could hang out? I need to start making some friends around here... We could go swimming after school? If that's too forward then just tell me!" WHY DID I SAY THAT? Oh my god I'm so embarrassed. He's gonna say no and make fun of me to everyo—
"Yeah, sure, that sounds pretty fun! Been a while since I've gone swimming." He pats my head and puts his arm around my shoulder. Did I really just land a date? Oh my god, well he didn't say it's a date, but still! Swimming is the worst thing I could've picked... I'm awful at it!
"Oh awesome, I'll meet you there?"
"Yep, I'll text you what time? My number is ..." He gives me his phone number and I quickly put it into my phone, sneakily setting his name as 'Kyle💘'. It's just a cute username! No harm done.
He shows me his phone and says "Here, how's this username?"
I stare down at his phone and immediately blush, he's set my name as 'cartmans cute cousin' Ok, he has to be doing this on
purpose now, I never realised so much flirting could come from such a dorky boy!

Class finally ends and you make your way to your next class, unaccompanied
by Kyle as he had a School Club meeting to attend to

It was pretty hard navigating the halls of this massive school without Kyle, so by the time I reached my second class (chemistry)  all the seats had already been taken except one that was next to a boy in a purple jumper. I slid my bag onto the table and sat down, ready for an awkward lesson. But to my surprise, he immediately greeted me.
"Hey! I'm Token, you're new right? I saw you hanging with Stan's group at the start of the day." Token said with a subtle smile.
"Oh yes! Thank you for the warm greeting, my name's (y/n), my family just moved here. I'm Cartman's cousin." I do a small sigh, expecting yet another comment about how me and him look nothing alike. And just as I had expected, he says
"Cartman?! Seriously?! Woah, you are really pretty, I wasn't expecting that, oh god, I hope that doesn't offend you!" He chuckles nervously.
"Haha, no it's fine don't worry about it. Everyone keeps saying that! Do I really not look like him? Or do you think he's pretty? Hahah!" I begin to laugh loudly, but stop before the whole class is staring at me.
"No way! That guy is so annoying, you just look way too cute to actually be related to him." He rubs the back of his head, playing with his short dark hair.
"Well anyway, thank you for the compliment!" I say in a sweet voice.

Class ends quickly and you make your way through your third lesson
before it's finally time for lunch, you head into the canteen

I scan the room looking for somewhere to sit before I feel a familiar hand pat my back, as I turn around I'm greeted by red bouncy curls. Kyle! Yay!
"You wanna come sit with me and the boys? Wendy will probably be there too if you'd also like to hang out with another girl, I get it." He sweetly says.
"I'd love to! Take me to your leader!" I say in a dorky voice. He chuckles and leads me to their table that's in the middle of the large lunch hall. There are benches made for 3 people on two opposing sides of the table. Cartman, Kenny and Wendy are sat on one side, Stan the other, he saved 2 seats for me and Kyle. We both make our way to sit down before Token manages to stops us.

"Hey (y/n), do you wanna come sit with me and my friends? I promise they're nice guys." Token says as he tries to grab my hand to take me with him, Kyle stops him before he can lead me any further.
"Sorry dude, I got to her first! She's gonna come sit with me and Stan." Token gave an annoyed and disapproving face before letting go of my hand.
"Alright (y/n), whatever floats your boat. Just know if you ever get sick of those assholes you can come sit with us." I awkwardly chuckle, not sure what to do, before I say
"Thank you, but so far Kyle is very sweet! They don't seem likes assholes to me."
Token rolls his eyes and walks off, Kyle then grabs my hand and gets us sat down at the table. Kyle sits at the end, I sit in the middle and Stan sits at the other end.

"What took you guys so fucking long?! I've been bored out of my goddamn mind sitting with this fatass and those two love birds!" The cute blonde Kenny says. He has his hood down and I can see his gorgeous blue eyes and slightly curly hair. Is everyone in this friend group (except Cartman) gorgeous?!
"Sorry dude, Token wanted her to go sit with him and those other guys so we had to deal with that. I thought he was dating Nichole so I'm not sure what that was all about." Kyle chuckles to himself and lightly scratches his arm. Cartman is on the other side of the table stuffing his face with food before he says
"Hey, (y/n) give me your lunch, my mom gave me basically nothing to eat today!" I nod and begin getting my lunchbox out of my bag, not wanting to upset Eric.
"Dude are you seriously going to take your cousins lunch? You really are a fatass." Kyle says, staring daggers into Cartman.
"Don't worry, I wasn't really hungry anyway!" I pass my lunchbox down the table for Eric to catch, he opens it up and abruptly starts laughing.

"Oh my god! Is this seriously your lunch (y/n)?! I'm gonna look so fucking gay while eating this!" Cartman loudly laughs, I can tell Kenny and Kyle are snickering too, but they're trying to hide it

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"Oh my god! Is this seriously your lunch (y/n)?! I'm gonna look so fucking gay while eating this!" Cartman loudly laughs, I can tell Kenny and Kyle are snickering too, but they're trying to hide it. Wendy and Stan are too distracted by each other to care about the food.
"First the Hello Kitty water bottle and now this, it's cute, I admit. But you're such a dork!" Kyle says, trying to put it as nicely as possible. Cartman can't control his laughter so Kenny tries to calm him down by patting him on the back. Stan and Wendy both stand up and Stan goes on to say
"Uh, we're just gonna go to the vending machines real quick guys, Wendy wants uhhh... a cola. We'll be back soon." They quickly walk away together, holding hands.
"Yeah they are totally going to make out. I wonder where Heidi is." Cartman says.
"Gross dude! Are you really gonna leave us so you can go make out with your girlfriend? Well, at least I won't have to deal with you." Kyle says. I can't stop laughing, squeezing my stomach trying to hold in my giggles.

Lunch ends and I make it through the last lesson before school ends

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