chapter 11 ~ downhill

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It was finally Saturday. After everyone went home yesterday I fell into a coma, well not literally but I was tired enough for it to actually be a real one. The snow had melted pretty quickly during the night, which I am incredibly thankful for as today is the day me and the boys go to the carnival! Slowly rising out of bed, I slid my fuzzy slippers onto my feet and reached for my phone that was on my bedside table charging. Normally I would just scroll through random social media apps for an hour during the morning, but now I had a group of slightly annoying boy friends to text! As expected, I had 43 missed messages from the group chat, but there is no way in hell that I'm reading all of those.

4 friends and 1 fatass:

Kyle💘: Are you guys excited for today? I'm just glad the snow let up before it could ruin our fun.

Ken🙌: i sold a shirtless picture of me to some random girl on the internet so i'd have enough money to play some carnival games today

Stan Darsh: Okay Kenny TMI, what the fuck

Ken🙌: sorry we aren't all born with a glistening tegridy spoon in our mouths Stan!

Kyle💘: Nah dude Stan's right, that's an insane thing to do. I don't mind giving you 20 bucks.

Ken🙌: you're all just jealous I made $100 from a single picture of me!

Me: kenny you are clinically insane but i luv u

Ken🙌: thank you... you are the only one with faith in me

Fartman: guys I'm going to bring Heidi with me, she's being a dickhead again saying we don't spend enough 'quality time' together

Stan Darsh: Thats fine dude, im bringing Wendy

Kyle💘: Uh oh we're losing him

Me: i think it's sweet they're spending so much time with their girlfriends

Ken🙌: then i'll make sure to spend as much time as possible with you sugar

Kyle💘: Shut up Kenny.

I put my phone down and began to laugh my head off. It's actually quite cute to see how protective Kyle is of me, even if we aren't together. All jokes aside, if there's anyone I want to spend time with at the carnival, it's Kyle. Kenny is so sweet but if I hang around that flirty charismatic boy anymore who knows what'll happen! Getting out of bed, I turned my radio on and listened to the tunes loudly emitting from it. The sound of 'I Only Want to Be with You' could be heard in the hallway, spewing directly from my bedroom. All I can hope for is that Bebe won't be a controlling bitch and ruin today like she did yesterday. I wonder if her first proper introduction to me hadn't of been a 'man stealing whore' we could've been good friends? Probably not. My alarm clock began to beep so I slammed my hand down on it to shut it up, the time was 10AM and the carnival starts at 2PM so I have plenty of time to get ready! First things first, I'll have a shower and wash my hair. I grabbed my hairbrush and went downstairs to the bathroom, I could hear my mom downstairs talking to someone on the phone. Entering the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, took my clothes off and neatly folded them putting them on one of the shelves. I jumped into the shower and turned the dial, immediately water splashed down on me, running down my face, getting my hair wet. Grabbing the shampoo and conditioner, I began to thoroughly wash my hair, making sure it was squeaky clean, after that I grabbed the body wash and made sure I wouldn't smell like a rotting corpse all day by cleaning my entire body.

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