chapter 10 ~ snow day

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| Time skip to Friday |

It was Friday and school had been closed for the day due to the insane amount of snow that had been bestowed upon the town. Mom was at work during the day time so I decided the best thing to do was stay home and watch TV all day, I mean there isn't much else to do as I had already finished my book report and all of my homework. I sat on my comfy sofa staring at the television that was playing some random show about an Office. It was pretty funny but I had been doing this for 2 hours and was slowly growing bored of doing absolutely nothing. There wasn't even any point in leaving the house as everywhere would be closed due to the snow. The sounds emitting from the TV finally drove me insane, I reached over to the remote and turned it off. What to do now? I could text the boys...
4 friends and 1 fatass:
Me: hii guys im so bored
Ken🙌: me too this shit is fucking boringgggggg
Me: hi Kenny i am glad u responded 😝😝
Ken🙌: thank you babe
Kyle💘: You guys wanna meet up? I'm sure we could find something fun to do.
Me: i am NOT leaving the house, its freezing outside
Ken🙌: yeah Kyle don't be insane
Kyle💘: Okay then how about we go to (y/n)'s house?
Fartman: include me for once you assholes
Kyle💘: Okay how about we ALL go to her house?
Me: i am cool w that
Ken🙌: already on my way 😈
Fartman: i'm coming, I'm sick of playing Hello Kitty island adventure with Butters
Ken🙌: dude you guys are basically best friends now, im dying
Stan Darsh: Sorry guys I can't, Wendy is at my house, will TTYL
I put my phone down and ran to grab a hairbrush, just to make sure I wouldn't look like a total mess once the boys arrived. These boys are my saving grace, without them I would've died of boredom. Going into the kitchen, I grabbed some big bowls and began pouring different kinds of chips into them, just so we'd have some snacks to keep us from starving. I placed the snacks onto the coffee table in the living room, also putting down 2 giant bottles of coca cola. I was ready!

The door bell rang and I rushed to the door, unlocking it and being greeted by Kenny's charming gap tooth smile. I ushered him in out of the cold, he stomped his boots onto the welcome mat, getting all the snow off of them.

Am I the first one here?" He said, peering around my shoulder into the living room.
"You sure are, you get the gold medal!" I jokingly said in response. He left out a soft chuckle before walking in and diving onto the couch, stretching his legs out and relaxing.
"Make yourself at home."
"This'll be our home soon sugar, I will definitely get comfortable." Kenny said in a teasingly flirty voice. I went and sat next to him, moving his legs aside and grabbing a chip from one of the bowls. We both got comfortable and watched some TV together for a while before the door bell finally rang again. Yet again I sprinted to the door and swung it open. It was Kyle! His red curls were on full display as I had yet to return his hat back to him. Just like Kenny did, he dusted the snow off of his boots before making his way inside.
"Your house is very nice inside! I didn't get a good look at it last time as it was so dark." Kyle said, ruffling his hair to get snowflakes out of it.
"Thank you very much Kyle! Make your way into the living room, Kenny is already here." I blushed, not expecting him to compliment my home. Following behind Kyle, we walked in and saw Kenny watching some car racing show on TV.
"Oh hey Kenny!" Kyle excitedly said, plopping down onto the couch sitting next to Kenny.
"Yo dude! What took you so damn long, me and (y/n) have hung out for like 30 minutes before you've shown up." Kenny said, rolling his eyes and flicking Kyle's forehead with his fingers.
"Sorry sorry, there was a bunch of snow dude, I could hardly tell what was the road and what was the sidewalk." He responded, grabbing a chip from one of the many assorted bowls. Walking over to the couch I softly sat next to Kyle, sneakily nuzzling into his chest, which went unnoticed by Kenny. Kyle definitely noticed. I could hear his heartbeat quicken in speed. He's so damn cute.
"Kenny car races are so boring, can we watch something else, I'm begging you." I whined, jokingly pleading with my hands. Kenny scoffed at my suggestion.
"She's right dude, this shit is boring." Kyle added in, which also received an appalled scoff from Kenny.
"Fine you party poopers!" He said while throwing me the remote from the opposite side of the sofa. I scrolled through Netflix before putting on a movie called 'Halloween'. I reckon a scary movie would make the atmosphere a bit more exciting. Just as I the movie had started, the door bell rang one final time. To my surprise, Kyle got up and went to answer the door, allowing me to enjoy the film. I heard the door slam and saw Cartman come plodding into the living room, Kyle walking behind him with an agitated look on his face. I guess Eric just had that effect on people! They both made their way to sit on the couch, but Cartmam shoved Kyle aside before he could sit down, stealing his seat next to me. Rolling his eyes, Kyle instead went to go sit in the armchair next to the sofa.
"Hi Eric! What took you so long? We just started a movie." I said, trying to keep the atmosphere happy.
"You should've waited for me! My dickhead mom wouldn't drive me here so I had to walk. My own mother made me walk!" Cartman responded, I let out a small sigh, gradually realizing just how much of an asshole my cousin really is.
"Well we got like two minutes into the film so we can just rewind" Kenny added in. Cartman nodded his head and grabbed 2 of the chip bowls, quickly munching down on them as if he was starving. We pressed play on the movie and everyone got comfortable, because Kyle wasn't next to me, I rested my head on Kenny's shoulder just because of how cold it was. Throughout the movie, people got horrifically stabbed, and each stabbing received a vicious laugh from Cartman, Kyle on the other hand didn't seem to enjoy, turning his head away whenever there was any gore or blood on screen. I felt bad for picking a horror, I would've chosen something different if I knew he didn't like it!
Around an hour and a half passes and the movie is finally over. Kennyeveryoneare practically cuddling at this point, Cartman had eaten ALL of the snacks I put out, and Kyle is still sat in the corner playing a game on his phone to distract himself from the film. All of a sudden, I heard the doorbell randomly ring, everyone looked up inquisitively, wondering who it could be. Slowly rising off of the sofa and out of Kenny's arms, I went to answer the door. To my shock and horror, it was Bebe.
"Hey (y/n), I asked Wendy to ask Stan to ask Cartman where you live so we could hangout and talk about you know who!" Bebe said in a condescending manner.
"Oh okay, hi Bebe... Well you know who is actually in the living room right now. Come in." I replied, incredibly confused about this sudden turn of events. Bebe made her way inside and hung her jacket up on the coat rack.
"Guys, Bebe is here. Apparently Cartman felt the need to reveal my location! But that's totally okay!" I said to the boys, with a fake grin on my face, trying to hide my anger at her arrival. She immediately ran over to where Kyle was and sat on his lap, making him highly uncomfortable.
"Kyle! I didn't know you were here! You should have texted me, you know I'm always up for a good party!" Bebe practically screamed in Kyle's face.
"Uh yeah, it's not really a party but it's good to see you." Kyle awkwardly responded. I could tell how uncomfortable she was making him and some small part of me was happy about that. If she makes him uncomfortable then that means he doesn't like her. Walking over to the couch, I sat next to Kenny again and handed him the XBOX controller so he could play some of my games.
"Awesome! Thanks (y/n) I don't have one of these at home." Kenny thanked me in a child-like manner, hugging me tightly before scrolling through my game library.
"Hey Bebe, why don't you come sit over here? You don't look very comfortable." I murmured, trying to make Kyle feel less awkward. Bebe roller her eyes before getting off of Kyle's lap and plopping herself down on the sofa next to Cartman.
"Whatever." Bebe said in an unhappy tone. Kyle shot me a thankful look.
"Kenny, Kenny, Kenny give me the controller!" Cartman whined, jealous that Kenny was the one who got to play. In return Kenny glared at him, refusing to give up his turn on the XBOX.
A couple of hours passed and it was now 7PM, we had all grown tired of watching Kenny play some random shooter game. Staring at the clock, I knew it was time for everyone to go but I felt as though I'd seem rude if I kicked everyone out. That was until my knight in shining armor came to rescue me from the hell of confronting people.
"Guys it's getting pretty late, we should probably go now. I'm sure (y/n) doesn't want to have to deal with us for all of her evening." Kyle jokingly said while standing up, getting ready to leave.
"Fine, Kenny is shit at this game anyway." Cartman replied, lifting himself up off of the sofa and dusting all the chip crumbs off his shirt. Bebe rolled her eyes before saying in an obnoxiously high pitched voice,
"Kyle will you please walk me home cutie?" I could see the exact moment Kyle's face dropped, but as he is the nicest most perfect man in the world, he obviously agreed. He sadly nodded his head before going to the coat rack and grabbing both his and Bebe's drastically different coloured jackets.
As everyone began to leave I stood at the door waving them goodbye, seeing each persons figure disappear into the foggy snow, out of my sight. That was pretty fun until Bebe showed up, for an hour non stop we had to listen to all the boring gossip about students at school. At least now I could relax and have my long deserved nap.
At least that's what I thought.

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