Chapter fifteen: Grab your boards!

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Two weeks after the Serpent's chair was ruptured and Ejawantah's disappearance has passed, the days were calmer as it last.


Asa had may lost his only blood relative, but it gained him more than he could ever asked. He still lived within the caves of his Father's passing, but it was the only place that he could stay for the moment. With the serpents scattering around the sacred island, it was the one of the only places that remained hidden in Indonesia. He finally felt a sense of freedom and a tingling sensation that made him tired. Tired, both physically and mentally, but for the first time in 425 years he could finally felt the state of himself, a state of control. He was finally being controlled of his own soul.


Buma however had started his fifth stage of his grief, acceptance. The acceptance of deaths of whom he never truly knew the souls to. He left that dreadful day to his Grandma's house and remained silent on what caused his parent's deaths. It was better to remain hidden than a greater power coming to get them, who knows? Maybe Ejawantah isn't the only one as strong who he is in this country. Buma had a agreed to himself to visit his parents grave and finally knew the truth, they were in fact murdered, but they lived to protect him. He left two flowers slowly in the sides of their graves and sat down while he watch the sunrise.

Nisna was still in a state of shock, but she was mostly figuring things out. Besides her family problems that she tries to avoid, she struggles to find the true meaning of Ejawantah's true motives. Gladly The Lazuardi's and Wayan had created a group chat that they could communicate with each other, so any theories or suggestions would be spilled right away.


Rintik sat at the end of her bed as she played with her bracelet, she shuffled it around and around as she remembered where it has brought her by. These crucial months wasn't a teenage dream, it was at first, but they money that she had that were in the shapes of gold inherited from Serpent's eggs were suspicious, and it could be worth more than she realized, so...this could be evidence for future tasks?

Rintik shook her head from the superhero nonsense as the days of the hectic days were over, she did however missed the people in it, her friends. So she opened her phone and typed as fast as she could.

"What are you guys doing this afternoon?" Rintik asked in the group chat.

"Nothing at all" Asa replied.

"I'm free" Nisna added with a smiley emoticon at the end.

"So am I" Buma replied after all of them did.

Rintik stopped her thumbs from typing as she thought what she used to do in a Saturday afternoon. It may be months ago, but it was the most thrilling moment that she had waited each and every week.

"Wanna surf with me and @Wayan ?" Rintik asked as this could be a replacement for the other members in a Saturday afternoon.

"SURE!" Nisna straight away answered as she could not wait.

"YES!!!" Buma replied as well.

"What do you say @Asa? Are you up for it?" Wayan jumped in on the conversation .

"Will do." The 425 year old teenager replied as they all agreed to the plan. "You guys could surf here at Pantai Khalis, it's getting pretty lonely when you're the only person in the island." Asa added as he smiled to himself while writing the message.

Rintik smiled as the feeling of guilt crept in her veins, she did killed Asa's father. But it was for the greater good, as he thought so too.

"That's a great idea!" Rintik replied to Asa. "Meet you guys in 10 minutes"

"WHAT?" Buma quickly typed.

"See you Fire girl"Asa replied as they all agreed.


Pantai Khalis

Rintik pressed her bracelet as she was transported to the island she hasn't visited in two weeks, Abditory Hening was quite destroyed as seen from below, but Asa was still able to sleep in his it isn't destroyed. While her sandals hit the core of the sand while she carried her surfboard, as she tilted her her head a figure appeared from behind.

"Hey" Asa smiled as he was wearing a full on swimsuit, his arms and legs were covered with the fabric as he was wearing goggles and was carrying a surfboard.

Rintik smiled and laugh as she was wearing shorts and a top for swimming, she was surprise that Asa was really ready. "Oh my, you're prepared alright"

"Of course I am." Asa smiled as he was looking at the three figures walking behind. "They're here!" He cheered as Wayan ran towards Rintik, Rintik looked behind as Wayan hugged her. Rintik let go as she noticed that everyone had a surf board.

"Buma! Nisna! You guys have surf boards?" Rintik looked at Nisna's white surfboard with red flowers; as well as Buma's blue surf board.

"There is no way in this earth that I'm allowed to buy this, but me and Buma got this as a gift?" Nisna looked at Buma as they proceed to glare their stare back to Wayan. Rintik chuckled a bit as her face lit up to her best friend.

"You made these surfboards for them?" Rintik's laughter stormed as she was stunned. Wayan quickly smiled and shook his head with Rintik's respond.

"No! I have too many surfboards in my place so I decided to paint some with Buma and Nisna's color. They were surprise alright." Wayan lunged himself to Buma and hugged his shoulder.

"That's very very kind of you man" Asa responded to the gesture as he looked at Rintik. "Should we go into the waters?" The whole team looked within the eyes of their leader of The Lazuardi's; the leader that was chosen. Rintik smiled as she grabbed her board in a more sturdy gesture.

"Well...come on!" She gestured the team to run with her into the sea with one hand up in the air while the other ran as fast as they could, especially Buma.

As time passed the vast waves of the sea turned calm, it wasn't night yet, as the sun was still in the presence of their eyes. Rintik was the first one who needed a break, she dragged her surfboard to the grains of sand as she sat down; looking at the others still splashing around. She had a glimpse of the adventure she had experienced for the past months, how her hands were sometimes unbearably hot and that the only thing that would calm her were her thoughts...besides Asa's cold touch. Rintik blushed to herself as she remembered the first time Asa calmed her, that wasn't Ejawantah in control...that was surely Asa.

Because the truth has been revealed, she didn't know whether the Asa she had know was Ejawantah, or the real Asa. The past is the past, but it will still be planted in your minds, but for know, Rintik recalled to herself

"None could understand me as much as the hidden corals in the deep blue sea" She thought to herself as she saw the others still having fun within the sea. "Except for them." Rintik smiled as she locked eyes with Asa who was still in the waters, he tried holding on to his board as he got a better view at Rintik, they smiled as Rintik mumbled to herself.

"The chosen souls"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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