Chapter seven: For the greater good

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Rintik was moving on with her new life, as one day; the past had been digging with several missed calls from Wayan, yes... Wayan. It was confusingly formed as her texts weren't replied by him, thus there were calls all of the sudden. Rintik tried calling him back but it wasn't answered. It felt like a prank, but she knew that if it was a call from Wayan, it was important.

To make her less worry about her long gone friend, Rintik was finishing her painting from months ago that was burned within several parts by her flames. She was in her room already packed to go to another mission to Abditory Hening, but to spare some time, it was best that she spent a quarter of the day with her Mother in her house. Bali was having a somewhat gloomy day with drops of rain since 5am, but as soon as she clicks the bracelet, she will be in a whole completely different environment.

"When are you going to Abditory Hening Rintik?" Juma, Rintik's Mother hummed as she looked at her daughter's unfinished painting taht was still on the works for months. "Ever since you joined the team, you haven't been able to surf nor paint as much as you used to; is that okay for you"

It's not, It's not, It's never okay! The voice ringed in Rintik's head.

"It's okay" Rintik led out a lie as her Mother just smiled and nodded, her Mother couldn't read her mind anymore, it was a fair trade Rintik thought, but at what cost? "I need to go in a few minutes Mah, It's just going to be a normal mission"

It's not. It's the most biggest one yet that the team had to face.

"I love you my little spark, be careful" Juma smiled as she hugged her daughter.

"Likewise Mah" Rintik hugged back as she sighed. She didn't know if this was the last hug she would get before the storm will strike, but it was the best one yet.


Back into the moment, Sunday, this is the day that the biggest orb will appear from the depths of the sea into Abditory Hening. How do one predict such an event? The only possible answer that Rintik and the team could think of was Pa Eja. Within every case that The Lazuardi's did; Pa Eja was always the one to inform the team. It wasn't that suspicious, He was the one who formed the team to stop these mysterious orbs... but ever since a portion of Asa's powers were taken, the Red orbs were turning green.

Rintik was already in Abditory Hening with her purple suit as Asa, Nisna, and Buma were there as well with their respectable suits. They ate breakfast together in the sanctuary as the orb was set to appear by 3pm, as it is currently 9am they were finding a plausible plan to capture and stop the biggest orb they have yet.

"Why are we doing this anyway?" Rintik let out as the team all sat in a circle in the middle of the cave, surrounded by vines and big windows seeing the magnifying view.

"For the paycheck, obviously" Nisna let out as Buma looked at her with a questionable stance, with his eyebrows moving together and his eyes gleaming with blue splashes.

"The paycheck?" Buma asked as he was concerned why an Individual like Ninsa would fully care about a paycheck.

"I only ever joined the team; one, the paycheck." Ninsa stated clearly.

"What about saving the lives of humanity?" Asa laughed as he looked at Nisna. She smiled and tilted her head in a questioning motion. "And that too, but I really do need money to support my family, they are also ''humanity'' I would say"

"Actually, I have the same reason too" Rintik agreed with Nisna as she added. "I thought that they paycheck would be a great opportunity for my university; as I am also doing this for my Mom"

"Your Mom?" Asa questioned as Rintik glanced in his direction. "Oh yeah" Asa remembered the night where Rintik first joined the group with her Mother.

Rintik was obviously her Mother's daughter, she really was. The only parent she had ever known and needed, even without powers, her Mother was already a superhero. Rintik would literally burn flames, sink within the seas of Indonesia, scatter and explore islands just to protect her Mama.

"I wanted to make my Mother free of her curse, like isn't that insane? Free will isn't in The Lazuardi's at all" Rintik reminded the team. "If we didn't agreed to be apart of the team, we would be cursed of our powers, same of what my Mother experienced."

"That is pretty deep, but I wanted the job in the first place to solve a mystery," Buma blurted out as Asa added.

"What mystery?"

The team waited for an answer as Buma looked at them with trust in his eyes. "The mystery of how my parents died." Buma calmly let out as he drank his glass of water in his right hand. The team stood silent as Buma tried to explain more in further detail. "My parents died because of a Car crash, but I keep getting these flashes in my head that a car was not the cause of their death, a red orb was the cause."

"The red orb...similar to the ones we are destroying?" Rintik questioned as she was stunned about Buma's confession.

"Yes, exactly like the ones we saw in our missions" Buma confessed deeper as Rintik stood up and reached her hand to Buma's. Buma grabbed Rintik's hand and smiled. "Whatever or whoever the one's in charge of the red orbs that we're destroying"

"We'll let them burn" Asa looked at Rintik as she nodded and added. "So, what's our plan? Just to burn them?"

"No, we need to know their motives, like us. We all have a purpose for why we accepted this job, right? We should know and understand theirs too." Nisna blurted as Asa smiled in a stunning move.

"You're a big fan of anti-heroes I suppose huh?" Asa laughed as Nisna smiled. "The term good or bad doesn't revolve around us anymore" 

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