Chapter nine: Flashes

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It has been somewhat of a week since Asa was taken away from the team, as Rintik couldn't really do anything because of her exams in the week. Teenagers are supposed to live their lives, and do tests and exams in school, while weekends are filled with new opportunities...Rintik's new opportunities were there, she was just living her life with fire in her hands. She was exhausted, with nights crying and finding a solution on getting her teammate from her best friend. Peers in her school were aware of the superhero team that has saved them, their lives, that has saved Indonesia. Rintik however had always wondered, if she had saved her country, her home, who would actually save her and her team?

Who were the heroes of heroes?


As it was finally Saturday afternoon, she decided to go to the beach where she usually surfed with Wayan, he had to be there. Rintik pedaled her bike from her house with her surfboard and prayed that the cause of the storms in her veins was there.

It was raining all 24/7 in Rintik's soul, it didn't make her fires better; she just wished that there was an umbrella that'll cover it all up. When Rintik arrived at the location and searched beneath the waves and tides of the sea, Wayan surfed as always. Rintik's eyes glowed purple as she tried to cover her powers in public, she ran towards the sea and stood within the sands waiting for Wayan to get to the shore.

"Rintik Lembayung Pijar, the sparks of fire is here herself." Wayan arrived on the sands as his hair was still damp from the water. "Asa is fine, in a place closer than ever."

Rintik went closer and held Wayan's hand in her in a stiff stance, she was about to glow her hand. "Wayan, or should I say Si Kutuk Merah...I am going to light up my hand and melt every single bit of your hand, tell me why you're doing this."

"You wouldn't understand" Wayan argued as his hand was turning red and was in the depths of melting hers as well. "I don't want to hurt you, but ever since you never came to our surf sessions again, I was honestly crushed...You didn't hang out with me anymore, You rather be a star with a big paycheck, leaving your past all behind."

"But I-" Rintik was cut by Wayan's explanation.

"I was given a letter as well Violet, don't try to act all heroic and save the day...this curse we have is merely a gift. It could burn the world, and the only thing that could make us calm is Asa's power and-"

Rintik's tired of the blabbering as she firmly said. "THEN GO TO ABDITORY HENING! Talk it out with us, fighting and letting all of-"

"What?" Wayan let go of Rintik's hand as he walked to the sands, Rintik then shouted as she tossed Wayan's board out of the way "What happened Wayan? Why turn down a massive job offer just to destroy what we have left?!"

"You and I have different approaches on seeing the issue, I am living my life the way I want to...not a single penny could beg me to join a team that could make me be apart from you...but I guess that was wrong" Wayan ranted s he continued looking at Rintik who was forming purple tears in her eyes. "I get flashes...they are surely a curse that unfolds the glamorous dark side of your leader; Pa Ejawantah" Wayan confessed as he shut his eyes. "Ever since I turned the job down, the curse is stronger than ever everyday."

"Flashes? Visions? ...Just like Buma" Rintik gulped as she looked into the eyes of a possible murderer. "You didn't murder his parents right-"

"MURDER? Of course not! What kind of a monster do you think I am?" Wayan starred to Rintik with confusion. "Besides, I just got my powers the same time you did, that's why I really tried talking to you."

Rintik didn't make an expression as Wayan nodded down while he looked at each grain of the samed below. "Buma, has visions as well?"

"He does. He gets flashes of his parents death and the causes are your orbs..." Rintik whispered.

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