Chapter four: Reach deep within

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A week had passed since the visit to Abditory Hening, and it is time for another meeting with the team. Rintik packed her backpack full of snacks and supplies as she brought extra clothes as well; who knows where they are headed for the training? Rintik developed many questions in her head as she spun around her room, drowning herself in the state of her mind. Was it stressful for this 16-year-old to join a dangerous superhero team? Yes. It wasn't a question that this is dangerous, Juma knew about her daughter's new 'job' but if this is what fate wants her to do, then why decline it if it has a bigger price to pay in the end?

Rintik was ready, all she need to do was to press the bracelet's button.

"First day at a new job. My first job..." Rintik thought to herself that she would never have imagined her first job being on a superhero team.


"Press the button when you're ready Rintik, just... it's not a big deal don't worry" She babbled as she closed her eyes to imagine the Abditory Hening that she had visited yesterday. She imagined the faces of the people; Pa Eja, Nisna, Buma, and finally Asa...

"Okay" Rintik finally admitted as she pressed the button. The traveling era wasn't that pleasant, it was as if we are falling from our sleep for about 30 seconds. It's a never-ending fall. Then at the end of the torturing 30-second trip, Rintik was placed in a chair that was placed in the cave; there were five chairs at the sides of the room and "The serpent's chair" in the middle.

"Hello?" Rintik tiptoed as she gazed her eyes off the beauty of the sanctuary.

"Hello there Rintik Lembayung Pijar" Asa cooed as he smirked from the corner of the room, shadowed in the darkness as his purple smokes reached Rintik.

"It's just Rintik thanks" Rinik responded as she chuckled a bit, "Where are the others?"

"They're not here yet" Asa responded as he went closer to Rintik.

"Okay...since we're going to work together, where are you from?" Rintik asked as Asa gleamed on the question.

"Jakarta" Asa replied as Rintik asked again.

"No like your heritage, I lived in Jakarta as well a couple years back but I'm half Javanese and Balinese; what about you?" Rintik blurted once more.

"That's a top tier secret, you'll have to know me more" Asa replied, but before he could open his mouth to say another word Rintik's hands were turning purple once more. "Rintik, are you okay?" Asa questioned as he tried calming down her hand.

"I can't control the sparks ever since last Saturday, they've been pouring non-stop when I'm-" Rintik stopped as the flames are scattering all throughout her body. "I can't feel the heat anymore, or any type of heat, and I can't get help because of the temperature."

"Touch my hand," Asa suddenly remarked as Rintik gave a weird look.

"You'll burn!" Rintik shouted in disbelief as Asa went closer to her.

Then without a warning Asa held of of Rintik's arm in him as it doesn't burn nor hurt Asa's being. Then within a few second the fire within Rintik has slowly calmed down as Asa's hands were glowing more green as ever.

"I didn't burn your hands" Rintik huffed as she let's fo of Asa's hands.

"We're opposites, you the ruler of the violet sea that brings the fires to life. While I...the defender of the green sparks that brings the coldness of the ice to life." Asa admitted as Rintik tilted her head in confusion.

"Fire and ice...I would comment that you're such want to be poet" Rintik added as she looked at Asa with a weird expression.

"Yes," Asa commented as Rintik added once more. "Huh, thanks anyways"

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