Chapter eight: Meeting the waves

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The highest state of the sun's awakening is on the clock, the glimpse of the morning is no longer in Abditory Hening. As it is time to let out all the power The Lazuardi's have the destroy the infinite amount of power.

"So...when and where will the orbs come looking at us this time?" Rintik looked at Pa Eja as this was the first time that the man who had chosen the chosen souls came guiding their most intense mission yet.

"Unpredictable my child" Pa Eja whispered in his tone as Asa looked at him in confusion. "I can sense them but I was not as strong as I used to be"

"You, the almighty of us all...don't know where enemies will lie?" Asa questioned as he added "Every time the orbs appear you knew where they are...but this time, your lost?"

"I am this time" Pa Eja looked in despair as he looked at Rintik with hope in his eyes. "I need you to give out all of the power you have to whatever forces that are coming"

Rintik slowly nodded as she forced a small smile. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you Pa?" Pa Eja laughed in surprise as he looked at the team.

"Centuries, I had changed identities more times than the shivering snakes that swerves on this island. I lived a lot of lives and saw more heroes sacrificing themselves for the greater good; they didn't care about the paycheck, but what they did care was for the sake of humanity." Pa Eja told the team as Nisna stood in silence as she finally had the courage to ask.

"Did...all the heroes that were served before us, died? because they risked their lives? Where are they now?" Nisna flopped within the sands of the beach as she was exhausted patrolling the island's state. She sat and looked at Pa Eja from below to wait for the reveal of the answer.

Pa Eja had a pause as Buma looked at him with a confused stare. "Some died, some lived normal lives, but ultimately...they were still haunted because the orbs are still lurking within each and every one of us. It's consuming us; taking our power just for them"

Rintik was more furious than ever, if she was done with all of it and the mission was done, if the beings are still instinct within the winds and within themselves...The college paycheck was for nothing! Because in the end, they might die within a gruesome death that they can't ignore.

"You're paying us for the unpredictable deaths in our lives?" Rintik went closer to Pa Eja. "WHAT IF THIS MISSION FAILS? What if I lived a normal life in the future?"

"Then you all have to stop this, this is the biggest one if we find the source on what's creating it, we might be able to end this team and let you all live your normal lives as well" Pa Eja comforted as he looked at Nisna. "And the paychecks will be able to fill your lives without worry".

Nisna's wings flapped as the sand scattered throughout Pa Eja, she flew higher and higher before she stopped from the highest height she has ever flew before.

"NISNA!" Buma screamed from below as Pa Eja stood in silence and shook his head. "NISNA GO DOWN! THE OXYGEN ISN'T ENOUGH UP THERE!"

Asa breathed as he tried to lift himself up with the green smoke left in him, he went up and looked at Nisna in her eyes. "Go down please."

"Asa did you hear what Pa Eja said, he is practically assigning us to our dooms." Ninsa said at a tired pace. "Just imagine, he's grabbing reckless teenagers that all have issues to let out our anger, we are not supposed to be here." Nisna sadly muttered, Asa looked at her in a way he's seeing his chosen sister that he had met months ago. With a connection being felt by him to keep the team safe as long as he possibly can.

"I care about you Nisna, with all of you" Asa pointed below to Buma and Nisna waiting below the surface of the sands. "They care about you, if you have anything going on at home; maybe that's why you took the money in the first place... You can always count on us."

Nisna smiled as she flapped her wings in a slower motion "This brought me more than money, this brought me a family that I can count on. Please let me just-"

"Then, go down with me" Asa smiled as he lent a hand to reach her. "If we stay up here any longer, we're the ones putting ourselves to our deaths."

When Ninsa was about to reach Asa's hands the mountain within Abditory Hening was shaking and an eruption was about to bloom within its chaos. Rintik looked above as she saw sparks of fire coming out of the island. Buma ran to the whole island within 5 seconds, checking to see the issue to the problem.

"There's someone covered in red, creating smaller orbs to scatter the island" Buma huffed as his face was plastered with worry. "He looked like he just came from the beach, rage fills his whole state."

"A person?" Pa Eja questioned as he asked once more. "How old would you say he is?"

"Ours, he's a young soul! He looks just like us with a maroon pattern design in his clothes!" Buma snapped as his face changed within a second. "That empty chair Pa, do we have someone like us? A missing member-"

"A missing member" Rintik sighed as she looked at Pa Eja. "But who? It couldn't possibly be Si Kutuk Merah-"

"GUYS LOOK OUT" Ninsa flew above them as the red orbs were thrown into their direction, before the hot figures could come any closer Asa froze them within a second.

"The person doing this is here, we must get them at once." Asa looked at Pa Eja, however, Pa Eja had a saddened face and didn't talk. "What is it?" As asked again.

"Be careful please, his soul is corrupted. I couldn't save him" Pa Eja confessed as Rintik snapped on of her fingers to ignite the fire in herself.

"Who?" Rintik glared at Pa Eja with fire in her eyes. The team gathered on the beach to see the branches of the trees swimming into their area, the trees were burning as it turned red. They got ready in their position with Rintik being in front, the member came closer and closer as his face was being ignited by flames.

"OPEN YOUR MASK, SHOW YOURSELF OR I'LL FIGHT YOUR FIRE, WITH FIRE..." Rintik ordered the figure as he laughed, the laugh of a similar glimpse that Rintik could recall.

The figure slowly opened his mask while Asa was ready with his icy green smokes scattering the figure. Then it was off, the mask was in his hands with her still being in the way of him.

"So glad to see you after all these months Violet"

Rintik exclaimed as she locked her gaze on the figure causing the orbs, who turned out to be Wayan all along... His face was cracked with green lines, as he was corrupted by a dark energy that engulfed his entire body.

"Wayan?" Rintik questioned with despair as he laughed from afar.

He chuckled even more and looked at the whole team. "Surprise!"

Rintik shook Pa Eja violently as she had tears pouring down her eyes. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" She questioned as the old man was holding something back.

"The fifth member, cursed, he declined and he couldn't handle the betrayal he felt from you. He burst his powers into the sea and nearing our island to a downfall." Pa Eja let out as the whole team looked at him with disgust.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM!" Asa shouted as in a flash his chest was held by Wayan glaring his eyes and still focusing it on Rintik. It wasn't a "I'll kill you" stare; it was a glare that he always gave before every surfing meeting.

"ASA!" Buma screamed and ran towards Asa to save him, but it was too late, he was pushed with a stronger push that Wayan took and offed Buma to the other sides of the sands. "Agh" Buma huffed as he was bruised from the cursed touch.

Rintik stormed a fire to Wayan but before the flames could hit him, he absorbed the power and gave it all to himself. "Violet please, let me do this." Wayan begged as he didn't have the motives to hurt the other members, especially his friend.

"Kutuk Merah Let Asa go" Rintik breathed and huffed in an unsteady manner as she was sparking fires all around.

Wayan stepped back as she said his cursed name that they gave him...Si Kutuk Merah and not Wayan. But it was too late, Asa was captured by Wayan leaving Pa Eja, Nisna, Buma, and Rintik on the island. Wayan teleported himself with Asa in his grip.

"Asa" Pa Eja breathed as was a soft whisper being let out within the bliss of the sunset of the ocean, he failed, leaving one of his children being taken away by his other. "I knew that Asa was a difficult and troubled soul, but this is beyond my reach."

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