Chapter Seven: Filming random movies in the rain?

Start from the beginning

"And this really is an overblown film crew, isn't it?" Haruhi added. I zoned out as Kyoya started talking about how she flew them in from somewhere, and Haruhi got that irritated expression where she was cursing at them for being rich. Normally, I would be doing the same, but I was trying to just clear my mind, and relax.

Which was, apparently, impossible. I was dragged out of my peace when Haruhi grabbed my hand, and dragged me to Renge, who had apparently called us over. When we turned the corner, I almost stopped dead.

There were two mean looking guys getting dragged over to us, and Renge was talking about how the movie needed villains for the big climax, as me and Haruhi sweat dropped, and jumped in surprise along with the random guys.

Villains?! This is a movie about a host club with dark sides, why would we need villains?!

She then added on how they were the sons of a ruler of a Japanese Mafia, while all I did was shake.

"Who is she?" One guy said, looking mad.

"Whoever my dad may be has got nothing to do with me!" The other said.

"Hold on, Renge-chan..." Haruhi and I said, getting cut off as Renge started to drag one to a specific place.

"Just wait a second, here..." He pulled his arm out of her grasp, going to push her. "Who do you think you are, trying to boss us around..." He went to push her into the wall.

"Watch out!"

For some reason, when Haruhi went to stop her, I pushed her back and took the blow instead. I was sent back into the supplies, holding Renge away from harm. A second later, when she realized what happened, she stepped back. I let out a groan, along with a soft, 'Ow!' as I fell on one knee, the other holding me in a sitting position.

Renge gasped, kneeling to my height. "Kozumi-chan!! Are you okay?!" She asked, carefully putting an arm on my shoulder.

That really, really hurt! Thank goodness Renge seems fine.

"I-I'm fine, don't worry about me, you should be more careful, are you hurt? Those boys are right, Renge-chan. If you judge people based on stereotypes you won't ever see what's really important about them." I lectured her.

"I'm don't believe I understand what you're trying to tell me." She asked, confused.

Tamaki ran around the corner, yelling 'Haruhi, are you okay?', with the rest of the host club a few feet behind him. Ignoring me, he ran straight to Haruhi, who was sitting down with a tear in her eye, next to me. Of course, she's all he would care about, and apparently, she was worried about me, and she lost her contact, that much I could tell. She was explaining how she lost her contact, as the Host Club was still making their way over.

As soon as the rest of the host club saw the full scene, all their attention was immediately drawn to me (rather than Haruhi and Tamaki), and Honey rushed over.

A Little Bit of Honey- OHSHC- Mitsukuni HaninozukaWhere stories live. Discover now