Chapter 20 : Reassurance

Start from the beginning

Jihye looked down at the paper with vague curiosity while poking her tongue inside her cheek,"Hmm, interesting" She whispered and looked up at the spy,"Keep an eye on both Yeoja and Taehyung, report to me whenever something unusual happens" She ordered in an authoritative voice.

"Yes, mistress" The spy bowed and swiftly exited the door, softly closing it behind themselves.

"Minjun" Jihye whispered as her faithful servant bowed on her side without another word, ready to carry out any instructions.

"Appoint guards around the guest quarters"

It was around evening when Taehyung finally was done with the house chores.

He could now confidently say he liked it better in Seoul with all it's technology and machines where in here he's having to do all the chores the ancient way because that's a tradition.

His back hurts from working while hunched over, all day, he stood up straight and stretched for a few minutes.

After that little conversation with his mother, Taehyung immersed himself into the assigned work, trying to forget the events. The more he pondered the more he spiralled downwards.

He had already come to a decision, what was the point of thinking now?

He sighed and started walking towards his and Jimin's shared bedroom.

Swinging the door open, Taehyung was expecting to see Jimin lounging over the bed or the couch but only emptiness greeted him.

Taehyung frowned as he walked up to the bathroom door and knocked,"Jimin? Are you in there?" He asked but no answer.

Twisting the knob, he opened the door but once again only emptiness greeted him.

Worried, he walked out of the room and out of the main residence building.

Where could Jimin be? He was not the one to linger around after lunch nor did he particularly like talking to any of the Park clan members. Normally he'd retreat back to his room and engage himself into work or movies.

All things pointed towards one conclusion.

Jimin must be with Jungkook.

When Taehyung was crossing the field, the first thing he noticed was the guards that now guarded the guest quarters.

The sight made Taehyung's heart stop for a second.

Why were there guards? They weren't there yesterday. The plausible answer made Taehyung's stomach flip.

'Did they see me sneaking out this morning?' Taehyung thought dreadfully,'No if they did then they wouldn't have left me to roam around freely' he reasoned out with himself, trying to calm down.

Nevertheless, in the end he decided to take a detour and instead of the entrance sneak in through the front porch, just like he had last night.

He never liked having to go through a bunch of guards. They frightened him.

A few yards across the field and Taehyung suddenly felt the winds pick up. It was going to rain again. Looking down at himself, he was wearing pastel coloured clothes again, he needed to hurry up if he didn't want to get mud all over his clothes this time.

When Taehyung finally made it to the porch, the first thing he noticed was Jimin's back as he held up his phone, recording something.

Taehyung stared in perplexity and hurried along.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked looking curiously at Jimin's back as he took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the sliding door.

"Oh! Taehyung!" Jimin peeped back a little and exclaimed gleefully,"Come here, check this out, Jungkook painted this within five hours!" He said in excitement, making Taehyung eager to check out the painting.

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