Chapter 1

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Y/n Pov

Well this is the last thing I expected when I died. I mean I understood that there were many theories about what would happen when we die. But whenever I thought about it I always assumed it would be in relation to moving forward towards the future or something like that. since everyone talked about it like moving forward. What I didn't expect was that in my case it seemed to be the opposite. That's right, I died. And in the most anime bullshit way. By saving a cat from getting hit by a car. Lest to say I'm still pretty cranky about that fact but what can you do? What's done is done and now here I am in Taisho era Japan in the Yoshiwara district four years old so far.

I'm a kamuro to my mother. Our house's top Oiran. It was a high likelihood I would go on to become one of her shinzou later when I get older. And after that move on to be a Oiran or something. At least that's what's expected. I personally have no intention of staying in Yoshiwara. But the only way to get out would be to help contribute to the house and pay the debt that's placed on us the moment we enter it, or to have a client buy our contract and pay for our freedom. In this time for women knowledge is power and the best tool to survive.

Lucky for me I somehow retained my previous life's memories in this life. It's both a blessing and a curse. On one hand I have a great amount of knowledge from my past life that I can apply to this life. On the other hand I can't apply that knowledge as fast as I want to in situations, for fear of being accused of being possessed by some spirit and having an exorcist come in.

Yeah been there done that. And let me tell you not a pleasant experience for a three year old. So since that day I had been more careful to blend in although, I was still considered a prodigy. And for that reason I could already tell that the madam of our house was already making preparations for the future. I guess some good would come of that, I'd get to stay with my mother and wouldn't be separated. Not an uncommon occurrence in yoshiwara.

After all most women were sold to houses by their families to pay off debts or you were born here like I was. No one comes here willingly. Well that's not completely true the costumers-(men) come willingly for nights of lavish parties and to sedate their lust. But for us women this place is our gilded cage. There are four giant red walls surrounding yoshiwara with one gate. And that gate is guarded twenty four hours a day a constant reminder that none of us can leave. And if you try you would be severely punished.

Once I put the pieces together of where I was when born I decided on taking this time to learn as much as possible around me. I may still have my old memories but it's an entirely different time, society and culture and I want to learn as much as I can. That pretty much sums it up to where I am now.

Currently I'm sitting next to my mother on the side of the room quietly watching the lessons that the shinzous were currently being taught. Today's lesson was the art of traditional fan dancing. I analyze every movement and gesture they were making being sure to try and commit it all to memory to practice after the main class. I was still too young to participate in the classes with the older girls. But after much pestering to my mother she agreed to let me watch from the sidelines and after the main class was over she would go over what they learned with me from what I observe, but only if she had time before getting ready for work and if I finished all my chores and errands before hand and no one needed me. Pretty soon after it became that way with all the other lessons she was teaching to her shinzou.

Soon the music stopped and the others were dismissed once the room was empty and it was only the two of us, she nodded to me. I got up walking to the center of the room where the others were previously performing. taking the folding fan that rested in front of me along. My mother picks up the shamisen that rested next to her.

"Let us begin, show me what you've observed."

She begins playing as I attempt the dance I was watching earlier. I turned to my mother at the end. She hummed thinking for a moment.

TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now