Chapter Two: Meeting the Masons

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Miss! Welcome to Curmouth. I'm Charles, the chauffeur. May I take your bags?" He said cheerily.

I tried my best to hide my surprise. A chauffeur! The Masons must be even richer than I thought.

I handed Charles my bags, hoping that they weren't too heavy for him. Luckily, Charles didn't appear strained, and began walking down the rows of cars and buses. I followed after him, weaving through the lines of cars.

To my great surprise, Charles opened the door to a limousine. I stood there gaping at the interior like an idiot. This was my ride? This was my ride. Holy guacamole.

Charles put my bags in the trunk of the limousine swiftly, before walking back toward me. His wrinkled face formed into an amused smile. "Miss Kendall, I don't mean to rush, but are you going to enter the limousine?"

"Right! Of course." I said quickly, sliding into the leather seat.

As Charles closed the door behind me, I couldn't help but blush. I was the biggest idiot in the entire world.

Oh god, I needed to work on controlling my amazement before I meet the Masons. If this keeps up then I'll probably end up staring at them too, like the freak I am.

I refocused my thoughts on admiring the interior of the limousine. The leather seats felt like they were brand new and a soft white glow from a miniture chandelier illuminated the inside. There was even a cooler full of sodas and miniature champagne bottles in the center.

If this was just a car, then I couldn't even begin to imagine what the house would look like.

I'm so out of my league.

I looked out the window as we drove past what looked like a downtown area of Curmouth. Brightly colored shops and boutiques lined the streets. After awhile the shops faded into a suburban neighborhood. Identical two story houses covered the neighborhood.

I had lived in a one story houses all of my life, so even this was more upscale than what I was used to.

After a few more minutes, we began driving onto a long stretch of lush green property that was separated from the rest of the neighborhood. Charles came to a stop in front of a tall iron gate that guarded the rest of the property.

"Welcome to the Mason's Mansion." Charles spoke calmly.

I looked up to find the most gigantic house I had ever seen. No, it wasn't a house. It was a mansion.

It was possibly larger than the White House, standing four or so stories high and extending out across a long, lush green lawn. A paved walkway led up to a bright electric blue door. Marble pillars lined doorway as brightly colored flowers bloomed in pots on either side. Even looking past the mansion I could see more buildings and even what appeared to be a stable.

There was no doubt that a professional engineer, architect, and home designer were hired to design this place. It was a dream home's dream home.

Charles pressed a button inside the limousine and the iron gate slowly opened. As we drove through the gates, I noticed that the letters "MM" were printed on the gate in fancy cursive lettering. Mason's Mansion, I thought to myself.

I looked down at my faded jeans and old navy blue and orange tee shirt that read 'Broncos' on it. I had gotten it as a birthday present from Gram before she died. My favorite and comfortable worn out gray converse didn't make much of a fashion statement either. I just hoped that my attire wouldn't be a problem.

A flood of nerves came over me as Charles stopped at the curb of the walkway. Through that door was my second chance. My new life. And it was up to me not to screw it up.

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