Extra 5. Final closure,

513 28 4

Third person (pov)

"wait so you guys came out? to your parents?"New asked shocked, 

All the boys were in the cafeteria, Off and Gun narrated what all transpired over the weekend while the rest of the boys gawked  at how fictional their life sounded, 

"how do you accidentally do that?"Singto added, completely shocked by the situation his friends had gotten into. 

"yeah? why wouldn't you close the door before bing so touchy feely with each other?" Bright said making Off roll his eyes, 

"I told you! my parents are usually away, how am I suppose to know?" Off said feeling offended, while Gun chuckled, 

"what about your house helps?" krist asked making Off sigh.

Off opened his mouth to speak but before he could Win spoke out,  

"wait Off you have house help too? are you rich?" he asked shocking everyone with his question, 

"what the hell Win, where did that come from?" Gun asked, 

"woah I... no I mean sorry," Win stuttered before turning his head towards his boyfriend, 

"then why the hell were you so annoying about finding out that I'm rich?" Win said hitting his boyfriends forearm, making Bright flinch.

"how did this end with me getting hit?" Bright cried, making everyone laugh at the two. 

"you teased me for weeks!!" Win scolded as he continued to hit his partner, 

"what is wrong with them" New chuckled shaking his head,

"everything" singto replied making everyone laugh while Bright and Win calmed down feeling flushed, 

"back to you two, how do you guys feel with your parents knowing about all this...?"Krist asked looking towards Off Gun, 

"it feels alright, I mean now that both our parens know it will feel a little awkward when his family come over or something, but its alright. we are very lucky that our parents actually accepts us, I mean we are still very young and our relationship has just started but its good to know that our family support us" Gun smiled and Off nodded along, 

"what about you guys? i know we were kind a forced to let our parents know... when would you guys tell your parents?" Off asked, 

"it'll be a while before that happens! i don't want my family meddling in anything!" Bright said and the rest nodded along, 

"same, its not like my parents are home enough to know about my life, and honestly I'm okay with that" Win shrugged, 

"My siblings know that I'm dating someone and that's about it" New added, 

"Maybe before going for college, but it really doesn't matter to me" Singto shrugged, and Krist nodded along,

"same with me," Krist said.

After everyone had told their opinions everyone's attention fell on Tay who looked a little awkward, News eyes widened with concern. 

"Tay, what have you done?" New asked concerned,

"I-I..Uhm... so the funny thing is" Tay stuttered while he flashed a awkward smile, 

while the Wolf pack apart from New were a little confused and worried, the Raven clan along with New were prepared for chaos, 

"my family have known about it since we started dating" Tay said awkwardly, 

"WHAT!" the entire table shouted while New stayed quite, 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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