37. Thick Air?

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Third person (POV)

Both the Ravens and the Wolf's were in the school's cafeteria the air was getting suffocating for all, except Off and Gun.

Who were currently Oblivious too their friends shifting on their seats and passing looks towards their significant others.

The two groups were sitting rather close by, no one created much of a scene. Mainly because 6 out of the 8 were currently dating eachother while the remaining two were getting rather close and friendly.

But do the 3couples know about Off Gun being all buddy buddy with one another, absolutely not. And do Off Gun know about the other 6? Hah not a clue,

"So you guys won?" Gun asked Win making Win snap his head towards gun,

"Huh? Oh yeah" Win said slightly awkwardly making Gun Raise his eyebrow,

"Um okay what did your parents say? Were you able to take the trophy back? Or did That Bright take it?" Gun added ignoring the awkwardness,

"Um I got to take it... They were both very proud, for the first time por actually told me that he was so happy and proud of me" Win said with a small proud smile on his face making Gun smile along,

"That's amazing Win, we're all really proud of you too" Gun said placing a cute smile on his face making the rest smile and nod along,

"What about you? I heard the music society also won the all over trophy" Gun said excited looking towards Singto while he also nodded.

"Yeah, we did" Singto shrugged,

"You know, I'm really happy to see you're back into music. With all the things I've heard from you music was the only one that brought out that genuine smile of yours" Gun said shocking the rest, mainly Singto.

"Um... It really has been nice getting back to it all, I will not lie" Singto said with a soft smile.

"What about you? Where have you been I feel like I haven't properly talked to you for the entire month" Gun said after a while looking towards Tay who was caught off-guard,

"Huh? Me? What about me! I've been the same as always" Tay said flashing a goofy smile making the rest chuckle.

"Ahah whatever" Gun said shaking his head,


"Why are you guys such assholes!" Off pouted making the rest confused, while New tsked Krist simply rolled his eyes a bit,

"What's with you?" New asked.

"Yeh why are you being so Dramatic? What did we do?" Krist asked.

" Yeah?" Bright joined in.

Off raised an eyebrow at his friend's antics before huffing,

"I won the all rounder Competition and not one asked me about it!" Off said crossing his arms infront of his chest while the other three just blinked,

"So?" New said,

"Huh?" Off replied slightly offended.

"And the music society won its first ever over all trophy, where where you? You didnt ask me about it either" krist said crossing his arms infront of his chest while raising his eyebrow,

"Well that~"

"And we won the football tournament, one that our school was invited to after years while under my captainship, what about that? I didn't hear you asking me about that" bright said copying Krist's actions.

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