29. Who told you to?

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Gun (pov)

Today's the first day of the all rounder Competition, that our school holds. And this is the first time none of my friends are here.

Tay is out with the theatre group helping out with the performances, Win is at his football tournament and Singto is away for the Music competition.

Now, apart from Win, the other two didn't really have to go for their Competitions or even participate because according to them they joined to get out of class, and to get the council off of them.

Clearly there's more to it than meets my eyes, I've got a hunch but I'll just wait for my friends to tell me about it.

Ah ah anyways, back to my competition! Today it's the quiz and Sports portion of it all. In each round you get points, no student get a zero every one recieves something that is decided by the judges. So in every single competition and event you'll receive a curtain amount of numbers. And at the end of the event, the student with the most points gathered is the winner.

None of the student nor the teachers get to know the scores it's an external judge all together, they also make sure they have no connection to any of the participant,

Our school is pretty serious about all of this, these competitions hold qute a value for us after school too, final year students actually put their scores on their college application.

That whole bit is a bit funny for me, like oh I got this much score in my school's all rounder Competition like hey who cares?

Apparently colleges do. 👀

"Yo shorty!" An annoying voice called out making me look over,

Okay let's be honest he's not as annoying as I previously thought of him but habits won't go away that fast,

"Hey Off" I replied.

"Nervous?" He asked making me smirk,

"Not at all,  you?" I asked shrugging.

"Hah why would I be?" He replied smugly.

While I gave a small Chuckle,

"You should be" I replied making him look over confused.


"Being my slave for a month won't be easy" I smirked making his eyes widened.


"Remember the bet don't you?" I said and he gulped.

"Yeah totally, obviously" he laughed shrugging looking around, trying to hide his obvious lie making me laugh.

"Good to know then," I said laughing while he nodded.


We are currently waiting for the quiz to begin, they're waiting for all the participants to sign themselves in. All the while the entire auditorium started filling out with all the guests.

"Jum! There you ar~ oh nong Gun! You're participating too?" Khun Stephanie, Offs mother chimed giving me a sweet smile.

"Uh, Khap khun" I replied,

You see the school invites parents to these events, but mine never come because they're quite busy. Pim has shown up a few times but she's also Moody about it.

Honestly it's for the best, this way I get to be less anxious about it all.

"Mae, he's the one I lose to most of the Times" Off said making me slightly blush.

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