49. Hold you.

538 46 7

Off (pov)

This is fun, this honestly is so exciting I'm sitting in the back of the car all nicely dressed heading to Gun's house.

When Mae called me today while me and Gun were in the bathroom she basically wanted to ask for one if I would be home in the next hour or so and two if I wanted to go to the Phunsawat household, which honestly confused me initially I mean I know Gun by his name not by his surname.

But mom was kind enough to quickly tell me that my friend will also be there which sounds so childhish but hey it was helpful, the speed in which I said I'll go must have confused mae too.

"Off have you and Gun gotten closer?" Por suddenly asked.

"Huh? Why do you ask?" I asked confused.

"Well... I mean last time we were visiting you seemed less eager to go... I even remember you saying that you and Gun weren't as close as we think" por said making me feel awkward.

Ahh... Well things have changed what can I say.

"Mm... I'd say we have he's in the same class as New and they're friends too... So we hang out sometime as well oh and he's pretty smart wait no he's very smart so he helps me out with my studies too" i replied making both my parents smile.

"I've never heard you so excited while talking about a friend Off " Mae Chuckled.

"Huh? Eheh did I sound excited? Um why would I be" i replied making her shake her head,

"Who knows... But that kid is quite something he's good at everything it seems" Mae said and i nodded Along.

"I wish his father would see that too" por added in a small voice slightly shaking his head,

"What do you mean por?" I asked, I mean I already know about everything but still Maybe i could get some insight from here as well.

"It's nothing kiddo let it be... Ah ah even their daughter is very smart and kind what's her name again?" Por said changing the subject.

"It's Pim" i replied.

"She's very pretty too... Don't you think Off?"

"Mm... She's nice too yeah" I shrugged looking out the window.

The conversation soon died down from my end as they started talking about random things.

My attention only peeked again when I started to see a familiar area, I've come to pick Gun up for our late night drives quite a few times now... Even made my way to his hour drunk.

"Off i hope you're not asleep"

"I'm not Mae!" I replied immediately making her chuckle.

"Got it!"

Por parked his car in the driveway and we all quickly made our way out and towards the main door, my face refusing to keep anything but the biggest smile.

Because it's been a while since I entered this house the normal way, i quickly fixed up my shirt a bit brushing my hair back as I kept my smile going.

"John! Stephanie! Finally we've been waiting for you guys!" Gun's por exclaimed as he opened the door wide for us with the rest of the family standing behind him Gun and Pim standing right next to eachother but my eyes were rather fixed on Gun,

He wore a Prada Shirt and shorts set.

He wore a Prada Shirt and shorts set

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Hey! I have that shirt... Maybe we can match someday,

It was quite evident that Gun was avoiding my eyes stealing a few glances every now and then~ i can't let that happen now can I, I stuck my gase on his face making him get flustered with the attention.

"Come on in guys how long will you be standing there for?" Khun Olivia said making us all smile and nod as we walked in taking our shoes off and getting in.

We all settled in the living room both Gun and Pim were incharge of getting us water and a few snacks, i offered to help when my mother gave me the Eye 👀 but got refused.

So i did what anyone would, teased my Gun as much as I could.

He wanted to give me water, oh he our hands completely brushing against eachother's is a must.

"Why don't you kids go upstairs, I don't think you'll find out conversations that interesting " Gun's mother spoke making the rest of the adults just nod along.

"Yeah Gun why don't you take Off up, you have that gamming console up there too" his por added making him nod,

"Sure por" he smiled while I smirked.

"I'll play too!" Pim shouted as she got up first making everyone chuckle.

"Take your sister with you then"

"Khap Mae" Gun smiled and nodded.

Pim walked up the stairs first and me and Gun followed behind.

I looked around before slipping my hands close to Gun's.

I honestly was fully expecting Gun to swat the hand away but he laced our fingers together instead making me happy but at the same time utterly shocked while he simply looked unbothered with a soft smile on his face,

Okay what happened here?

I leaned closer to him making him flinch.

"Can we tell your sister?" I asked making him pout.

"Soon i promise just let me figure out how i want to break it to her" he replied giving me a small pout,

"Okay" i smiled back... Because hey atleast right now he said that he'll actually tell her. Rather than the things he said before.

I mean I agreed to both these things but I cannot tell you how giddy and happy this makes me feel.


Pim's phone rang making me flinch and let go of Gun's hand,

"Hello? Hah? When? Whyyyyy" pim cried into the phone.

"What happen?" Gun asked from behind but got ignored.

"Why are all the teachers such bitches man!"

"Pim language please" Gun said making Pim turn around giving a small 'let it go na' look before going back to her conversation.

" Can they just go easy on us? When is it due? HAH? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME!"

"Most likely has an assignment" I said trying to analyse the conversation.

"Most likely" Gun shrugged.

"Phis" Pim called out for us once she got off her phone.

"I've got an assignment due day after tomorrow... So I'm just going to get a bit of it started before dinner... You guys can play on your own" she said in a sad tone pouting.

"Aww nong Pim su su na!" I said trying to cheer her up.

"Go go, get it started let me know if you need any help we'll be in my room" Gun said and she nodded before we all seperated and went into our respective rooms.

Gun walked further into his room picking up his controler and starting his game up while I closed the door, myself walking in.

"What gam~" Gun stopped when I wrapped my arms around his waist plastering myself to his back.

"I wanted to hold you for so long"


This chapter would have been longer if I didn't have a hangover and didn't have to attend to guests.

Why in the world do guest keep coming over to our house now a days i cannot run around the house talking care of everything doing everything and being a people pleaser 24/7 especially not with a bad hangover.

But i still managed to give yall more than a thousand words hope that balances out.


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