11. Tutor

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Got done with this chapter earlier than expected
So here you go🐣
Imma go to bed now


Off (pov)

Alright, Friday was fun ill be honest, anything and I mean anything is better than school... to be more specific anything is better than me waiting for my stupid tutor, who if I'm being honest isn't good at all not to mention he's the biggest 'off jumpol hater' well more of a 'gun atthaphan fan boy', which honestly irks me more for some reason.

like what's his obsession with Gun? and who the hell pays so much attention towards someone like how much time does he spend looking at Gun that he knew that Gun forgot to bring his water bottle? 

that's creepy in my opinion I don't care what others think ... anyways where the fuck is he? I could have gone to the canteen with my friends but nooooo he had to call me in saying that I missed Friday's session and because he can't stay back after school today. 

The door finally opened making me straighten up and look towards the door, 

"took you long enough" I quipped making Oab roll his eyes.

"you should be grateful that I'm giving you this extra time" he replied as he came and sat beside me .

"I don't remember asking for your time" I replied rolling my eyes,

"just because you guys tied with the ravens don't think that you are automatically smart" he scoffed,

that does it this asshole is annoying as fuck.

"shu~" but before I could say anything he cut me off 

"How did you get that bottle ? on Friday ?" he said while I smirked,

so he's mad about that ah that'll be fun.

"well you see I saw it lying on the ground forgotten so I just picked it up out of pity" I replied smirking.

"oh please, you must have taken it~"

"and why would I do that ?" 

I mean I did but he doesn't need to know that.

"I don't know you hate him and me so~"

"what are you on about? I'm not that free to go out of my way to do something like that ... plus if I hated him then why would I give him water ?" I said rolling my eyes while he sighed.

"what were you planning to achieve giving him your bottle anyways? huh? where were you planning on getting huh "I paused smirking now that he looks annoyed,

"his bedroom perhaps ?" I smirked while he looked towards me shocked.

"what are you on ab~"

"aww, you think you are so subtle ..." I smiled.

"you know what I'm done with you! I don't want to teach you anymore" he huffed collecting his things while I did a small victory dance in my head.

yay, no more classes from this ass.

he picked up his things and started to walk out,

"hahaha oh by the way..." I said making him pause and look back at me waiting for me to continue.

"his bed is very soft," I said looking toward him smirking,

"very bouncy" I added making him rush back toward me slamming his hands on the desk making me smirk.

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