6. Enticing ?

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Third person (pov)

Gun was in his room checking the worksheet he had given to his student today ,  he usually checked them right then and there but with what happened today on the field he didn't get a chance to do so since he got called in by chimon his previous student to the football field

He sighed checking through the worksheet once he was done with that he started with whatever he had planned for tomorrow

"Argh I've got home work too " he groaned at how much the teachers tortured them but he got back to his work none the less


There was a knock on his door immediately followed by the door being pushed open

Revealing pim

"What's up ?" Gun asked looking towards his sister who came inside his room closing the door behind

"Why are you dressed up ?" Gun added

"We're having guest for dinner .. the question is why aren't you dressed ?" Pim replied making gun groan

"What ? Why ? I've got a lot of work " gun sighed he looked towards his sister with pleading eyes

"I'm not doing it " she said

"Please ! I don't want to waste my time entertaining random people "

"Phi gun !"

"I'll do anything !" He said making pim pause and actually take a second to think

"Fine.. but you know I'll remember this "

"Yes ! You're the best ! *Muah* " gun said sending a flying kiss making pim Chuckle

She turned around to go downstairs but paused

"Uh.. phi gun" she called out making gun humm

"What's happening this Friday ?" She asked making gun snap his head up to look towards his sister

Gun and pim though being siblings weren't in the same school , mainly because both their parents are younger siblings so they understood how it felt having a sibling in the same school especially one who's good at almost everything he does

They didn't want pim to be compared

"What made you ask that ?" Gun asked

Because with his constant rivalry and him sometime being the centre of all the gossip in his school he has very specifically told pim to not come by his school as he doesn't want any unwanted attention towards his baby sister

"I.. I..~"

"Pim ?"

"Fine I was curious okay ! I heard that there's football matches so I went and well it just happened to be the day when~"

"What! You know what fine .. whatever you saw just don't tell mom and dad !"

"I won't but .. I didn't realise you had a rivalry going on with phi off .. do you hate him or something ?" She asked and gun rolled his eyes

"He is an annoying asshole I don't hate him but I don't like him either why ?" Gun said looking back at pim only to see her give an awkward smile and a nod

"Nothing nothing I was just curious..  I'll go tell mae that you're~" pim stuttered Turing around trying to leave

"Stop right there.. pim " gun said making pim stop and slowly turn around giving a sheepish smile

"Yeah ?" She said as gun raised an eyebrow

"Start talking " gun said and pim Smiled

"I.. uh.. so.."

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