Chapter Eighteen

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(Third Person POV)

Y/N: "Sorry it took me so long to check in, I probably should've called you first given what happened to me."

Makima: "Don't worry about it, I'm just thankful you made it back in one piece. Take all the time you need to recover."

Y/N nodded. The two where at his apartment having coffee while Kobeni was out getting groceries. Aki, Denji, and Power have left for Hokkaido to visit the Hayakawa family grave and get the latter two out of the apartment. Power has thankfully calmed down and Y/N agreed to take care of Meowy while they where gone.

Y/N: " The funny thing is I actually had fun when it came to the fighting. But what made my trip so bad where the revelations I came across and the questions it brought."

Makima: "Such as?"

Y/N: "Who is the War Devil?"

The woman was surprised to say the least to hear that name but now she was more invested into this conversation than ever.

Makima: "What brought this question on?"

Y/N: "Many devils who attacked me yelled about revenge or wanted to be the one to kill War's former attack dog. From what I could gather I served the War Devil in my previous life and developed a reputation that made me pretty unpopular down there. What even more strange is that it seemed Armor wasn't a mindless beast but a aggressive but calculating warrior. Something happened between it's death in hell and it's fuse with me."

Makima: "The War Devil was a powerful devil and a member of the four horsemen. However their presence has been significantly reduced in the past decades.

Y/N: "What happened?"

Makima: "From what I know the War Devil was betrayed by a once dear and trusted follower, it led up to a great battle within hell. I'm afraid that's all I can tell you about it. I'll try to look into it for you but such things are difficult, I can't promise you anything."

Y/N: " The fact that you're trying already means a lot to me."

Makima: "What are friends for?"

They talked about little things after that. Makima told him a few amusing stories involving her dogs and Y/N recalled a few of his roommate's mischief. In the few years they've known each other they've always had a distant but mutual respect but Y/N noticed she had been treating him more like a friend then a subordinate.

He and Kishibe still had plans in case she was really using them to her advantage but talks like theses made the idea unpleasant to think about. He felt like she was playing him but at the same time their conversations seemed genuine. Like Makima wanted a pawn and a friend but didn't truly know the difference.

When Aki and the others returned the young man wanted speak to his long time friend at the cemetery. The Lieutenant was looking over three graves marked Beam, Prinz, and Galgali. There was some with thought the feinds didn't deserve a grave however Y/N insisted and Makima decided to allow it.

Y/N: "I never thought I would mourn the passing of a fiend yet here I am. Beam was a good kid that was no different from many of the rookies I saw never see the new year. Galgali was is a true friend and had my back on and off the battlefield. I didn't know Prinz very well but if not for her then you all would of never got out of hell alive."

Aki: "Some of the other devil hunters may not like this."

Y/N: "They can rot in hell for all I care. Those three died for us and I won't let a word against them stand. What about you Aki? Do the lives of the feinds we serve with mean anything to you? I won't tell anyone."

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