Chapter Three

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Third person POV

Y/N wore his uniform and sunglasses into headquarters drawing a number of eyes since it was a cloudy day. The news hadn't become widespread of his change other then the organization has a new fiend within their ranks. According to his recent orders, Y/N was now a member of Tokyo Special Division 4. This devision is special as it contains not just humans but fiend members as well making it an experiment more then anything else.

The devil hunter found the idea odd but far too interesting to ignore. Makima told him that he was the first non-human member of the team and is the only devil considered not expendable. At least no more expendable then the average human devil hunter. The fiend walked through the doors to be getting by a friendly and familiar face.

Himeno: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Yes, I am!"

The two embraced in a friendly hug after not seeing each other for months. When Y/N was still new and only spoke in either English or broken Japanese it was Himeno who went out of her way to befriend the then confused foreigner. After bonding over shared love of beer and killing devils they became the best of friends.

Y/N: "How the hell are you?"

Himeno: "That same as ever, what's up with the shades?"

Y/N looked to see Aki, Fushi, who he had done a mission with before, and the cute sweaty girl from the other day.

Y/N: "Well let's just say it's been a weird few days."

The devil Hunter took off his sunglasses and revealed his eyes much to the shock of everyone in the room.

Himeno: "Your a fiend!?"

Aki's eyes widened while Fushi and the scaredy-cat where just as stunned.

Aki: "Is that why you didn't come home?"

Y/N: "Yes and yes. Long story short I am now the armored devil and the first devil in this merry band of misfits."

Himeno: "Are you still Y/N?"

Y/N: "Well the original devil barely had a mind of its own so I'm still me. It's the reason I'm the only fiend with any form of human rights thanks to Makima, so just treat me like you usually do."

He looked at the team so far and was glad to have Aki even if he looked torn at the moment and Himeno. Fushi was decent enough but Y/N had yet to properly meet the other girl in the team.

The devil looked down at her and extended his hand.

Y/N: "I don't believe he got to properly meet last time, I'm Y/N."

Kobeni: "K-Kobeni Higashiyama. It's very nice to meet you."

She meekly shook his hand.

Himeno: "Don't worry about her, our Kobeni is at shy but she's great once you get to know her."

Kobeni: *Embarrassed Kobeni noises*

The older woman hugged Kobeni affectionately while the latter looked less then comfortable with the attrition she was getting.

Y/N: "So Aki, speaking of Makima do you know where she is? This whole things her idea after all."

Aki: "She and a few others are hunting the Zombie Devil. She'll be back soon with new orders for us."

Y/N nodded and leaned on the all with his arms crossed. Something like the Zombie Devil sounded fun but if he had to be on standby then so be it. It's not like anything really important is going to come out of that mission.

Fushi: "So what does the Armored Devil do?"

Y/N: "Well I'm almost impervious to most physical attacks and the added devil strength helps me a lot. I'm probably going to be taking point in out missions while you guys stay safe behind my glorious mass."

Just Another Day At The Office  (A Male Reader x Kobeni Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora