Chapter Twenty

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(Third Person POV)

Y/N: "Denji there are so many holes in your plan I can hear the wind whistling through it."

Denji: " So are you in? We need our Lieutenant now more than ever."

Y/N: "Well if I say no then you'll do it anyway by yourself so I guess I don't have a choice."

Denji: "Fuck yea!"

The teen raised his hand for a high five which Y/N reluctantly met as not to leave a man hanging.

Kobeni: "What about us?"

Y/N: "You guys will go with Kishibe to drop us off and make sure Makima doesn't get any reinforcements. If somehow everything goes well we'll regroup and have you guys lay low. Me and Kishibe will then stabilize things in Public Safety and tie any loose ends there might be."

As everyone got ready for the mission, Kishibe pulled Y/N to the side out of earshot of the others.

Kishibe: "Makima's death will cause a considerable power vacuum and greatly disrupt the chain of command within the devil hunters. We need to talk about filling that gap."

Y/N: "I thought you were taking that role since you have the most experience."

Kishibe: "I'm experienced but I typically make a better teacher then leader. I'm old and tired and that's not going to change but you on the other hand have proven you can lead when you kept that herd of cats called Division Four in line."

Y/N: "You want me, someone who is not even from Japan, to be a Division Lead of Public Safety Devil Hunters in Tokyo?"

Kishibe: "Foreigner or not I doubt anyone in headquarters would question your ability. Just think about it, Public Safety Devil Hunters need someone like you calling shots."

Y/N thought for a moment and told him he'd think about it before getting every ready for the final showdown.

Makima arrived with a small army of followers and approached the two devil hunters who stood side by side waiting for her. Y/N was in his human form smoking a cigar while Denji was in his chainsaw form slav squatting on a grave.

Makima: "You two look quite feeble now, are you both so eager to die?"

Y/N put out his cigar on his hand and put it away in his jacket.

Denji: "Miss Makima. In their ultra-awesome perfect world you're gonna make, will there still be crappy movies?"

Makima: "Why have you turned back into Denji?

Y/N: "Because unlike you, Chainsaw actually likes Denji."

For the briefest moment the American saw that his comment struck a nerve and slightly cracked her calm facade. She took a deep breath and turned her attention to Denji.

Makima: "Personally.... I thing the world would be a better place if bad movies ceased to exist."

Denji: "Hmmm.... Guess I have to kill you after all."

Makima: "Right then.... this appearance of yours and the things you say are unworthy of Chainsaw Man. Y/N has been the only one to not only meet but surpass my expectations."

Both parties prepared to meet each other in combat. Zombies began to claw their way out of the dirt and use their own grave markers as weapons. They began to surround the two until Denji dug his hands into the earth and threw a large chunk of the earth into the air before bringing it back down onto his opponents, killing a number of the zombies and scattering the feinds

Katana and Spear tried to stop the attack but where intercepted by Armor who grabbed them both and slammed them into the earth. Chainsaw had both Whip and Garrote come at him but spun mid air and sliced them both before either of the hybrids could attack.

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