Chapter Thirteen

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Garrote's POV

I woke up in a small windowless room with all the Amenities expected from a cell. For some reason I could not call on his devil powers or my devil leaving me far more vulnerable than I would of liked. It was then I realized how over my head I truly was.

Since I was young that devil with me was my only companion. I don't know who she is but it was better then loneliness. When my family was killed she gave him the power the avenge them and when I had no where to go she showed me a path that led me to Japan after a year of odd jobs as a mercenary.

Despite my age, I always showed a remarkable talent for combat and was approached by a strange man in a suit. The money was good and the job seemed easy enough, take down a single man who had armor on his bodyan armor ability.

They didn't bother to mention it was a fucking devil in human form who was crazy beyond belief. Who expects to fight someone who would use their severed arm as a projectile? I got my ass kicked three times in a row the second time we faced off and he was well prepared. Hell, he could of won the first time they fought from sheer will alone.

Suddenly the door opened and the very same devil I fought was standing over me in the uniform of a high ranking Public Safety Devil Hunter and a pair of aviators over his eyes  holding a trey of food and water. He placed it on the floor in front of me and leaned on the door waiting for me to do anything.

Armor Devil: "Eat, if I wanted you dead you'd be dead so it's not like it's poisoned or anything."

I reluctantly started eating as he kept watching me like a hawk, arms crossed but ready for anything.

Armor Devil: "You speak Japanese well for someone obviously not from here, where'd you learn?"

He spoke in perfect English as I expected. The American accent gave it away but then again so did his appearance.

Garrote: "My father, you?"

Armor Devil: "Had to pick it up in country, luckily killing devils can be done without words. Names Y/N by the way, you have a name that's not a weapon?"

Garrote: "I don't remember it. Where is my devil?"

Y/N: "Your answers will see to if you see that creepy broad again of if we'll kill your both. You see that fight was the most fun I've had in a while. You have no good instincts and powerful abilities but your still green as a gecko's ass, how would you like a second chance to be useful?"

I was caught off guard by the offer to say the least, I continue to eat as he knelt down to look me in the eyes. He took of his glasses, showing his grey and red  eyes as they bore into my all back ones as if to reinforce that my life was in his hands alone.

Y/N: "Sawatari is dead and Katana Man is probably going to the deepest, darkest pit we can find after he tells us what we need to know but you... you're only choices are to join us under my jurisdiction or I will just kill you right here and be done with it."

There was a oppressive silence that choked the room as Y/N's very presence was bringing me back to our fight. He only smiled at my silence and put his glasses back on, leaving the room.

"I'll give you some time to think it over."

Third Person POV

Makima: "These horns, you drank too much blood, didn't you power?"

Y/N: "I told he to go easy but she chugs the stuff like Kishibe does boozes. Didn't I tell you to drink responsibly Pow? You look like you get great reception though."

After drink so much blood from the Zombies, Power's horns grew along with a new pair from the side of her head. Makima's close proximity was making the Blood Fiend very nervous

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