Chapter 53 - Stolen Wand

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"Make sure you drink the entire thing and if anything does go wrong - which it won't - we will have to make you sick..."

George sighed as he held his hand out. Milena popped the cork from the vial and handed it to George. He hesitated a moment then downed the entire vial as if he were taking a shot at a party then handed the now empty vial back to Milena. He pursed his lips a little followed by a "hm" sound.

"Kinda tastes like- AGH!"

George suddenly grabbed at the side of his head where his ear had been missing and closed his eyes tight for a moment. Then, his eyes fluttered open and his face screwed up, a little confused. His hands began to grasp around where he had been holding his head, then he suddenly shot up from where he was sitting.

"BLOODY HELL, MILENA!" He shouted. "I need a mirror! I need to see!"

George rushed out of the room and Milena and Fred quickly followed behind him as he raced into the bathroom. He had moved so quickly that she hadn't been able to catch a glimpse of the outcome, but from his reaction, she thought it might be a safe bet that it had worked.

After a solid minute of George staring at himself and poking at the side of his head, Fred finally said, "Well? Are you going to show us or not?"

George finally broke his gaze from the mirror and turned to face Fred and Milena. Where his ear had been completely cursed off was now a new ear, identical to its opposite.

Milena gently grabbed his chin to turn his head and get a better look at the new ear. It was still a little red and irritated, but that was to be expected. She was just in awe that it had really worked. Never in a million years did she expect that this is what she would end up doing with her time.

"How's the hearing?" Milena asked, pulling her hand away from his chin.

"Honestly, still not completely there. It's still quite muffled, but it's an improvement considering I couldn't hear from this side at all." George said. "I can't believe you made this!"

"I told you she was bloody brilliant." Fred grinned.

"This is more than brilliant! This is- this is- I don't know! I can't think of a word good enough! I can't wait to show Lee this! I need to go show mum this!" George said, absolutely beaming.

He quickly ran past the two and once again, they both quickly followed after him back downstairs to where Molly and Arthur were sitting at the kitchen table, having some kind of conversation.

George held a hand over his new ear and with a huge grin, walked into the kitchen and stood in front of his parents. Milena and Fred stood just behind him and let him do the big reveal.

"Mum, dad! I have something absolutely brilliant to show you!" He said, eagerly.

Arthur and Molly both looked up at him and gave him slightly worried and confused looks, but paid him attention nonetheless. Then, he dropped his hand and slightly turned his head to show the newly replaced ear.


At the same time, both Arthur and Molly's jaws dropped.

"How did you- when did you- oh my Godric!" Molly sputtered out in complete shock as she jumped up and ran towards him to examine the ear.

Arthur was completely dumbfounded. He didn't say a word, but just stared at his son.

"It was all Milena!" He said. "She did it!"

Molly immediately turned her head to Milena.

"How!?" She demanded.

"All the experimenting with potions the last two months." She shrugged with a little smile.

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