Chapter 24 - The Final Task

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The day of the final task arrived and everyone was talking about it. No matter who Milena spoke to or passed by, it was the only thing on everyone's minds. Milena couldn't help it either, it was the only thing on her mind too. Soon, the final task would be over and the Triwizard champion would be crowned. She had high hopes for Harry, but she wouldn't admit to Fred that she was also secretly cheering for Cedric too. Either way, as long as one of them won, that would be a win for Hogwarts and she was alright with that.

That day, Milena spent most of her time outside again by the Black Lake where she could just see the quidditch pitch, or at least where it would usually be. The pitch was surrounded by tall hedges and there were seats being placed around it for spectators who would be watching the final task tonight.

Her and Angelina sat on a blanket they had brought down with them under the shade of Milena's favourite tree that grew close to the lake. They could hear the distant sound of people setting up the final task, sounds of clanging and magic spells here and there.

"What on Earth are they setting up over there?" Angelina asked. "Are they gonna make the champions trim the hedges?"

"It looks like they're setting up a maze maybe?" Milena said. "I'm sure it'll be interesting to watch."

Milena laid back on the blanket, resting an arm behind her head.

"So, are you going to let the twins actually join us for the final task?" Angelina asked, nudging Milena's leg.

She thought about it for a moment. She had been so mad at the twins for blatantly ignoring her, but after everything that happened in so little time, she didn't know if she was really still mad anymore. Maybe a little annoyed at Fred for fighting Ivan, but she understood. He did also take all the blame when McGonagall was going to give her detention for the truth candies too. She didn't think she was all too mad anymore, but she was still unsure. Fred still clearly cared for her, he was just an idiot, but that was nothing new.

"Yeah I guess they can join us tonight," Milena dramatically sighed followed by a laugh.

"Good," Angelina laughed, "I'll let them know they'll actually have seats tonight. Speaking of which, we should probably get to the Great Hall for dinner before the last task starts."

Milena and Angelina stood from the ground and collected up the blanket, shaking out the leaves that had caught on it. In the Great Hall, many people were crowded at the tables, all grabbing food and chatting about the event of the night. Fred, George, and Lee were sitting with Alicia and Katie at the end of the table, two spots saved for Angelina and Milena who happily joined them. Milena began to eat her food and talk to her friends (Angelina telling the twins that Milena would let them join them at the final task) and as time passed, Milena couldn't help but to feel a sinking feeling. The same feeling she had last summer at the quidditch world cup, the same feeling she had in defence against the dark arts, and the same feeling she had the other night when Fred woke her up from her dream. Trying her best to ignore the feeling, she shuffled around in her seat, trying to readjust how she was sitting.

"Everything alright?" Fred asked quietly, leaning towards her. "Not rethinking George and I joining you tonight, are you?"

"No, no, I'm fine, just getting full is all." Milena lied, pushing some food around on her plate.

"Are you sure?" Fred asked, his face growing with concern again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, putting her fork down.

It wasn't long before Dumbledore asked for the champions to leave the Great Hall to prepare for the final task and soon after he asked for the rest of the students to make their way down to the quidditch pitch. Milena and her friends stood from the table as all the food began to disappear and followed everyone else out of the Great Hall and to the stands waiting for them. People began to file into the stands, getting into their seats. Some people were still wearing the "Potter Stinks!" badges that had been going around, but most people were just wearing school pride hats or buttons. It had been a warm day, but with the sun having almost entirely set and a nice breeze going by, it wasn't nearly as warm as it had been.

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