Chapter 40 - The Man in the Hood

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It didn't take very long before George was sprinting down the stairs from the flat to the shop where Milena was sweeping and Fred was locking up and shared with them his fantastic news. Just as he was entering the flat, he noticed an owl with a letter perched by the window and when he opened it, he saw it was from Arthur. He held out the letter and Milena took it first, reading the very brief note.

He has agreed, you can tell him.


Milena smiled up at George who looked like he was about to start bouncing off of the walls with excitement. Fred took a quick look at the note as well, his expression quickly changing to match the excitement of George.

"Lee will be thrilled!" Milena said.

"I have to go tell him!" George cheered, running towards the front door before skidding to a halt. "You guys'll be alright to close up then?"

"Yes," Milena laughed, "just go tell him." She waved him off and George's smile grew even bigger as he turned back to the door, apparating from the alley just moments later.

"Well he's awfully excited." Fred casually said, locking the door again behind him.

Milena thought he still had no idea what had been going on between Lee and George and she so badly wanted to tell him, but she had made a promise to Lee that they would let George do it on his own time. Though, at this rate, she wouldn't have been surprised if George just burst out with it just from plain old excitement.

"It's Lee, why wouldn't he be excited?" Milena smiled. "I'm excited for the four of us to be back together again!"

"It'll definitely give the two of them more time together, that's for sure." Fred grinned as he began to walk back to the stairs.

Milena furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh please, Mills, if there's one person in this world that I know better than myself...that isn't you of course... It's my own brother." Fred laughed. "He's never been the best at hiding things from me, even if he thinks so."

"Wait... so you know about them then?" Milena asked.

"Well I didn't before, but I do now." He smirked. Milena's eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hand. "Listen, I've had my suspicions for a while now, but I wasn't going to say anything. It's for him to tell me when he's ready."

Milena nodded at Fred, still a little stunned that he had had any idea of what was going on between them, but she should have known. It was Fred afterall, he knows the people he cares about even if they think he hasn't noticed.

"So, how did you find out?" Fred finally asked, now leaning against the door frame to the stairs.

"Like you said, they aren't exactly the best at hiding it." Milena said. "Last time Lee came for a visit, I caught him leaving George's room. It was a little hard for him to hide it at that point."

Fred nodded and let out a "hm" noise before turning around and beginning to head up the stairs, Milena following just behind him. He walked into the kitchen, waving his wand as some food flew out of the fridge and began preparing itself on the counter. He hummed as he searched for a pan, but Milena continued past the kitchen to their bedroom and searched through the desk for a piece of parchment and one of her pens she knew Fred had stolen off of her ("What? These muggle pens are just so much easier!"). Pulling one out of a drawer and a spare piece of parchment, she sat down and began writing out a letter, the thought of Fred being attacked still floating in the back of her mind.

Hey Angie,

It's been a bit since we've talked and I hope everything at your healer training is going well! I would love to have you round at some point for dinner, but for now I have a favour to ask of you. Is there any way you could spare some healing books or notes or maybe teach me a few more practical healing spells of some kind? I can't exactly explain why, but I think these days it would be useful knowledge to have.

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