Chapter 9 - Almost

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A/N: New character introduction! Couldn't show his picture until now, but say hello to Ivan of Durmstrang!

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A/N: New character introduction! Couldn't show his picture until now, but say hello to Ivan of Durmstrang!


December quickly approached and the school grounds were blanketed in a thick layer of snow. Most students were spending their time indoors now, but Milena liked watching the snow fall. The peacefulness of the snowfall and the quiet of it all was nice to sit and watch. It gave her a place to be with her thoughts which she sometimes needed. She hadn't stopped thinking about what Fred had said to her while he was drunk, but she also never confronted him about it. The morning after, he seemed to have completely forgotten most of the night before so she chose to keep it to herself. He had been drunk and didn't know what he was saying, she had decided.

The Yule Ball had recently been announced as well and Milena couldn't help but wonder if he might possibly ask her to be his date. She did her best not to get her hopes up but she couldn't help it. While she had decided that what he had said to her, he didn't mean, a small part of her hoped that maybe he did mean it.

As she sat there with her thoughts, she realized that she had begun to shiver which meant it was time to go back inside. She made her way back inside from the cold, brushing some snowflakes off of her jacket and stomping the snow off her boots at the door.

Later that day, all of the Gryffindors were gathered back into the Great Hall because McGonagall was showing everyone the proper way to dance at the Yule Ball. All of the boys were sitting on one side of the room and all of the girls on the other. Milena had sat next to Angelina and Hermione and they whispered to each other about who people were rumoured to be going to the ball with as McGonagall showed proper steps with a very embarrassed and red Ron.

"Do either of you have dates yet?" Milena whispered.

"No, not yet," Angelina said. "Honestly, I'm kinda hoping George might ask me."

"George? Really?" Milena asked, now more intrigued.

"I don't know, I mean we're good friends and he's not bad looking, I wouldn't mind going with him." She explained. "What about you? Got a certain redhead in mind?"

"What? I- no... no..." Milena stuttered

"Aw you're blushing, Milly," Hermione cooed.

Milena shook her head trying to contain her smile at the thought of Fred taking her to the dance. She hadn't told anyone, but Lee about what Fred had said to her that night.

"Alright, everyone pick a partner, I want you to try this yourselves," McGonagall said.

All of the girls stood from their seats but the boys were a little hesitant. Neville, a fourth year Milena knew to be Harry and Ron's roommate, stood from his seat and made the first move, asking Ginny to dance. The rest of the boys took his lead and started to ask girls to dance with them.

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