Chapter 45 - The Funeral

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A/N: This chapter's a little short this time, but it's because it's my birthday :D so anyways enjoy some more angst!

She hadn't actually thought about where she was going to go. She simply just picked the first place she had thought of and chose it as her destination. She knew it was incredibly risky to apparate like that, but she needed to leave. She needed to be somewhere else. The first place that had come to her mind was Diagon Alley. She wasn't sure why it had been her first thought, but the shop was there, the place she had been living in for nearly a year was there. She knew Fred would be able to find her easily enough, but she didn't care too much about that.

Milena let herself into the shop and back up to their flat just above. It was quiet and a little dark. Sunlight was partially coming in through the windows, but it just didn't seem to light up the flat the same way it did at the Burrow.

She threw herself down on the couch and closed her eyes. All of her thoughts were even louder than before, screaming at her from every direction. Her head was starting to ache from all of the noise. She just needed them to shut up, just be quiet for a minute.

You should have said something.

What could I have said?

Anything. That someone was going to die?

Oh yeah because that's not ominous at all.

At least someone would have been warned.

But what could they have done? I didn't know who was in trouble.

You're no better than a Death Eater.

I am not one of them.

Are you sure?

Shut up.

She opened her eyes again, her thoughts seemed to calm down, but now her mind was elsewhere. What would happen to her if the Death Eaters won? How are they supposed to win now? Would she be better off joining them? No. No, I can't join them. I won't join them. They won't ever have me. Never. They can't.

As her mind continued to argue with itself, she was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the unmistakable sound of someone apparating just outside. She jumped to the window and looked outside to see who had done it and saw Tonks making her way towards the shop door. Had she locked the door when she had come in? Tonks tried to open it, but it didn't budge. She had.

Tonks knocked on the shop door and called out for Milena. She was watching around her as she waited.

"Milena? Are you here?" She called.

Milena went back downstairs and unlocked the front door, letting Tonks inside then locking the door again behind her.

"Thought you might be here." Tonks said with her usual smile.

Milena nodded then turned away, walking back towards the stairs up to the flat. Tonks followed her. Tonks sat down on the couch, in the same place Milena had just been sitting a moment ago.

"Tea?" Milena asked, trying to act normal and be polite.

"Sure, thanks."

Milena brought over two mugs of tea and handed one to Tonks before sitting down next to her. They both sat quietly for a little bit as they drank their tea until Milena finally spoke.

"So, you came here specifically looking for me?" Milena asked. Tonks nodded.

"It was a little hard to ignore you storming out of the Burrow." Tonks grinned. "Molly tried to call after you, but you were already out the door."

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