Chapter 31 - Christmas at St. Mungo's

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Their final DA meeting had been mostly just practicing spells they had gone over before because Harry didn't want to start anything new before they would have a three week break. When the meeting ended, everyone hurried out of the room, making sure no one was around to catch them. Milena met up with her friends in their common room who were all waiting for each other. They each said their goodnights to each other and went to their respective rooms for the night.

Milena laid awake in bed again, feeling tired, but not being able to fall asleep, so she opened her book laying next to her bed and read for a little while, hoping it would help her sleep, but to no avail. Page after page, she still couldn't seem to sleep and for a moment she considered opening her book Umbridge assigned them to see if that would put her to sleep, but she couldn't convince herself to even look at that.

The night sky was full of stars and a light winter wind blew outside her window. She heard an owl hooting in the distance and looked outside to see some snow starting to fall. As she watched it fall, she could have sworn she heard noise coming from the common room and just as she went to look outside her door, she began to feel this feeling she hadn't had in months. That same sinking feeling in her stomach like something was wrong, something was very wrong. Surprisingly, she never seemed to feel this around Umbridge, maybe because her anger towards her covered any other feeling she felt, but nonetheless, Milena couldn't seem to brush this feeling away.

She quietly left her dorm room, leaving all of her friends to sleep and slowly crept down the stairs and into the common room to see what was happening. No one was in sight when she peeked her head in, looking back and forth around the room, she saw no one. She walked into the common room and sat down on one of the couches and kicked her feet up, laying back and staring up at the ceiling, wondering if she had really heard anything at all. She still couldn't seem to shake this feeling and as she laid there, it only made her wake up more, as if someone was whispering to her someone's in trouble... someone's in trouble...

Her thoughts were finally broken though as she heard the portrait entrance swing open and heard someone rushing in. Milena shot up to look and see who had entered and saw Professor McGonagall in her night robes.

"Ms. Carter? What are you doing in here?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry Professor, I just couldn't sleep and I thought I heard someone down her so I just came to check and then I sat down." Milena explained, hoping to avoid more detention, "I'll just go back to bed then."

But McGonagall stopped her.

"No, no, no," McGonagall said, "you're quite close with the Weasley's, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'd say so." Milena nodded.

"Good, I need them all to come with me to Professor Dumbledore." McGonagall explained. "Can you please go and get Ginny Weasley and bring her down here and I'll go and retrieve Fred and George Weasley?"

"Um sure..." Milena hesitantly agreed. "Can I ask what for?"

"There's no time, but I'll have you come with them, might be best to bring you along too." McGonagall said as she started to walk towards the boy's dormitory. "Now, go, go! We don't have much time!" McGonagall began to shoo Milena towards the girl's dormitory and she ran off to Ginny's dorm.

Milena knocked her fist against the door a couple of times, but there was no answer, so she banged her fist on it a couple more times and finally a very groggy Ginny cracked open the door, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" Ginny yawned as she tried to open her eyes.

"About half past three, I'd say? But there's no time to talk, McGonagall needs us in Dumbledore's office now." Milena said as she began to pull Ginny out of her room, shutting the door behind her.

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