Chapter 17 - Late Night

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Some of the snow on the grounds had begun to melt as spring slowly began to approach. Classes were starting to become a bit more heavy as their professors continued to pile more and more essays and homework to prepare them for their exams at the end of the year. Next year would be their last year at Hogwarts and they would be taking their N.E.W.T. exams then so it seemed as though every professor wanted to really prepare them.

    Milena was spending a lot of her time in the library where she often ran into Hermione who would be hurrying along with a different stack of books everyday. A few times they would sit together and chat while they did their homework seeing as how Harry and Ron rarely ever wanted to be in the library and Fred resented the idea of studying, though she did manage to convince him to do some of his homework.

    "How's everything with Fred going?" Hermione asked in a whisper as she continued to scribble some notes on a parchment. "I heard from Ginny that you guys finally made things official a few weeks ago."

    "Yeah, we did," Milena replied with a little smile. "I honestly started to think nothing was ever gonna happen, but he really surprised me."

    "Oh please, Milly," Hermione said, looking up at Milena. "I would give up reading before I thought that he didn't like you."

    Milena quietly giggled as the pair continued to write out their own homework.

    "What about you and Krum?" Milena asked.

    "Oh, um... he's nice," she replied, writing a little bit faster now.

    "Just nice?" Milena questioned.

    "He's sweet and all, but I don't know, I'm not too sure we're right for each other." Hermione confessed.

    "Why? Got someone else on your mind?" Milena teased, nudging her a little.

    Hermione's cheeks grew red as she continued to write to the very end of her parchment, not breaking eye contact with the paper. Milena could see she was biting the inside of her cheek and trying to hide her face. Just as Milena was about to speak again, Hermione stopped writing and picked up the parchment paper, glancing over it.

    "Alright, I think I'm done for tonight," she exclaimed, starting to pack up her stuff. "Think I'll head to dinner now. Coming?"

    "You go ahead, I'm just gonna finish up these last couple of lines and I'll catch up." Milena replied as she looked back to her work which clearly needed more than a few lines to be written.

    "Okay, I'll see you later then," Hermione said as she picked up the last of her things and left Milena alone at the table.

    She continued to go back and forth between books and her parchment, writing as many more lines as she could and when she finally felt she had written enough, she looked to the window across the room and realized that it was pitch black outside and most of the library was empty now. Realizing now how late it had become, she packed up her things and put away the books she had been using and made her way towards the door to leave. As she left the library, she heard her name called and saw Fred who had been leaning against the wall waiting for her by the door.

    "What, you couldn't come into the library to see me?" Milena teased. "Are you allergic or something?"

    "Yes as a matter of fact," he replied, "if I even so much as touch a book, I'll break out into nasty hives and snot will start pouring from my nose. It really is quite the sight."

    "Thanks for that image, Freddie," Milena said sarcastically. "How long have you been waiting there?"

    "Not long," he replied, "Hermione said she left you here when I saw her at dinner and it was getting late, so I thought I'd escort you to my favourite restaurant for a late night meal."

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