Chapter 1 - The Barn Owl

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Milena Carter always enjoyed the excitement of finding her way through Diagon Alley as she shopped for her school supplies. The crowds of people shuffling past her paid her no attention as they kept their eyes glued to the lists they were reading over and over again just to be sure they weren't forgetting anything. She didn't mind as she found herself gazing at every shop window filled with sparkling lights, bubbling potions, and books that seemed to turn their own pages. She had been through Diagon Alley plenty of times, but it never ceased to amaze her every time.

"Alright, what do we need next hun?" Her mother asked her, keeping close to Milena's side to avoid bumping into others. Milena looked over her list, following down to what wasn't crossed out yet, pushing her long, wavy brown hair back out of her face.

"Um... I think we just need to get my robes now," Milena replied, scanning over her school list one more time. "I think I've already outgrown my old ones."

"Then lead the way," her mother said, still glued to her side.

Milena had come from a muggle family, she was the only one they knew of that was a witch. She assumed there must have been someone far back in her family who had been a witch or wizard too, but she had never been able to find anything. Though this was now going to be her sixth year at Hogwarts, her mother never seemed to be able to get used to all of the magic. She had nothing against magic, of course, but it still threw her off seeing the wizarding world as a reality.

After what felt like only a few minutes, Milena had already had her robes fitted to her and she was already walking back out the door with her mother and all of the new school supplies she had ready. They continued back down the alley towards the exit back into the rest of London, her mother a little more ahead of her, but the sounds of cooing and purring caught Milena's attention as it always did and she stopped for a moment to look at the owls, cats, and other pets in the shop window. A certain little white and gold owl that was perched just in front of the window caught her eye and she couldn't help but smile at the bird.

"You know, if you want an owl so much, you should just buy one," a familiar voice suggested.

Milena jumped a little at the sudden voice in her ear, but turned to see a tall, ginger boy she knew well hanging over her shoulder with a grin on his face.

"Freddie!" She yelled out as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

Fred and George had been her best friends since they met in her first year at Hogwarts. It had been a bit of a messy meeting. She had just barely made it onto the Hogwarts Express after struggling to find Platform 9 ¾ and wasn't paying much attention as she looked for an empty seat. She then managed to bump into Fred causing him to spill his pumpkin juice all down his front, George rolling on the floor of laughter at the sight.

"Hi love," he greeted pulling her into the hug she enjoyed so much. He was the perfect height to be able to rest his chin on the top of her head when they hugged. "How have you been? I haven't seen you all summer."

"I've been bored to be quite honest, but I've had some great ideas for pranks to tell you and George later." She replied, still beaming at her friend she hadn't seen in nearly two months.

"Wicked," He said with his signature grin. "You'll have to tell us on the train later."

"Fred! Fred! Come on dear we still have to get your bo- Milena!" another voice said. "Oh how nice to see you dear, how are you? How are your parents? Everything's alright?"

"Yes, yes, I'm doing great Mrs. Weasley. I-" And before she could finish her sentence, Mrs. Weasley was pulling her into a big hug as she said,

"Oh sweetheart, you know you can call me Molly!"

"Right, sorry Molly." Milena said with a smile, hugging her back.

"Mum, you're going to suffocate her." Fred joked from behind his mother.

Molly let go of Milena after a few more seconds and gave Fred a little smack on his shoulder with the list she had in her hand. She then went back to join the rest of the red-haired family who were all mesmerized by the Firebolt floating in the broomstick shop's window.

"To answer your question from earlier, I would love to get an owl, but I think my mum would have my head if I got one, she's got a bit of a fear of them I think. Why do you think I address my letters to my dad when I send them home?" Milena joked.

"Guess you'll just have to hide it from her then."

"How am I supposed to hide a bloody bird?"

"Fair point," he said, "Well, when you and I are living in our beautiful home together and I have my brilliant joke shop with George, we'll get you the best owl."

Milena slightly blushed at the idea of her living with Fred. He had never been one to shy away from flirting with her, but she never thought much of it as that was just his nature to be a flirt. The two talked a little longer before Milena noticed her mother walking back towards her at a hurried pace.

"There you are!" Her mother said. "I thought we were leaving and I turned around and you were gone!"

"Sorry I got distracted and I ran into Fred." She explained, Fred waving at her mother.

"Oh hello Fred, I'm sorry I didn't see you." She apologized, turning back to Milena. "We do have to be off though, your father will have dinner ready soon and we still need to finish packing your things for school."

"That's alright, I have to get back to my family anyways, mum might have a fit if I don't get the rest of my books soon. It was good seeing you again Mills." He smiled.

"Yeah you too," Milena replied, "see you soon?"

"Always." Fred said with a smile as he turned to rejoin his family.

Milena and her mom turned to leave as well, heading back out into the rest of London. Her mother called a taxi as they stood at the side of the road waiting for it to pull up when she turned her head to Milena and said,

"You know that boy likes you a lot."

Milena felt her cheeks warm up. She couldn't put her hands over her face because of everything she was carrying, so she just turned her face away, trying to hide her blush.

"He's just my friend, mum."

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