Chapter 21 - Blinding Light

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The summer term felt as though it was speeding through and Milena was starting to feel like she wouldn't be able to keep up with her end of term assignments and exams she had to do. Everything felt like it had all been piled on at once so that it would all be done in time for the last triwizard task, but that just meant more work needed to be done. Fred and George, having focused all of their attention on their products, had no idea how to finish all of their homework so Milena and Angelina forced them to join a study group with them to try their best to help them at least finish their work. They weren't looking for outstanding marks, just enough to allow them to pass their classes and keep things moving along. Lee had joined them as well, though he seemed to have a better handle on his work than the twins did.

"So, if someone suddenly casts a blasting curse at you, how would you deflect it?" Milena asked, checking the answer on her notes.

"Ummm... probably with the counterspell..." Fred replied, clearly having no idea the real answer. Milena gave him a look of strain as he answered. "Oh, this is useless, there's no way I'm passing Moody's exam!"

"Well... look on the brightside, that's only one of the many spells on the exam that you do know!" Milena said, attempting to reassure him. "Besides, you may not be the best at testing, but I know you're good at magic, probably better than most people. You'll do just fine on the practical exam, we just have to keep studying."

Fred was playing with his quill which had long dried out of ink as he leaned back in his chair at the library table.

"I don't know how you manage to know all this stuff," Fred said.

"Studying usually helps," Milena replied, flipping through some more of her notes. "Practice too."

"Ah well, who likes studying anyways?" Fred joked, sitting up in his chair.

"Listen, you don't have to pass these exams with flying colours, you just have to pass," Milena said, "So, as long as you know just enough, then you'll be just fine. I don't think your mum expects you or George to be prefects anytime soon. Besides, it's like you always say, who wants to follow in Percy's footsteps?"

Fred laughed at Milena's remark before they went back to studying. She continued to quiz him on counterspells and protection spells, taking extra time going over the ones he couldn't seem to remember.

Lee helped George with his counterspells and he seemed to be picking it up a little faster than Fred was. Milena could see the frustration grow on Fred's face overtime as he would periodically look over to George who seemed to now know most of the answers to Lee's quiz.

"One of these days I'll have a better memory," Fred said, reading Milena's notes over again before she quizzed him again.

"Maybe we oughta practice some? Maybe then you might have an easier time learning these," Milena suggested. "Maybe you just need to learn in a more practical setting?"

Fred thought to himself for a moment. "Where would we go to practice?"

"I could ask McGonagall if there's any empty rooms we could practice in? Or maybe Flitwick might let us use his classroom when it's empty, he does keep pillows in there for practice." Milena suggested. "Why don't I go talk to him tomorrow and ask if we can use it after classes to practice for exams?"

"Yeah, you might be right," Fred agreed, "Let's try that then."

"Alright, tomorrow after charms I'll ask him." Milena planned. "For now, let's just keep going over notes and see how much you can memorize tonight."

Fred nodded and the two went back to studying Milena's notes. Angelina, who had been working on one of her final essays, joined the two not too long later, hoping to get some quiz questions in, to practice as well. As the night went on, people began leaving the library which had been a little more packed than usual due to the exams coming up. George and Lee packed up their things, feeling a little more confident in their abilities and left the library together for a late dinner, Angelina following behind not too long after.

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