Chapter 22 - Liar, Liar

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Exams were starting sooner than ever now, some classes had even begun their tests and Milena's were in just a few days. The panic of cramming for exams and getting her last essay done was starting to set in and she found that she kept forgetting things. She was starting to understand Neville's panic now. It started small, simply forgetting a quill or some extra parchment and then it grew to forgetting to return her books on time to the library (and Madam Pince giving her a disapproving look) and then it didn't take long for her to realize she had forgotten to send her parents a letter about her spending the summer at the Weasley's again.

She was in the Great Hall eating her breakfast when her owl, Fidget, flew in with a copy of the Daily Prophet (which she had recently taken out a subscription to after hearing all the false things Rita Skeeter was saying and wanting to know if she would say anything more) and a letter from her father, asking if he needed to bring anything when they picked her up from King's Cross.

"Oh shit," Milena said, reading the letter and nearly choking on her juice, "I didn't write my parents about this summer!"

"What's this summer?" Angelina asked.

"Mrs. Weasley and Fred asked if I wanted to spend the summer with them," Milena explained, "I was gonna go home for a little bit and then they were gonna come pick me up from my home."

"Aww it'll be the first time you spend the summer with his family as his girlfriend!" Angelina teased.

"What about you? Did George invite you to come?" Milena asked.

"He asked," Angelina started, "but I'm not going. My family's going to Italy for the summer and I'm going with them."

"Oh well that sounds fun," Milena said, beginning to stand from the table, "I'm sure we'll all miss you though."

"Well, you've still got me for a few more weeks and then a whole other year!" Angelina said.

"Very true," Milena said, "anyways, I've got to write that letter back to my dad and get to the owlery. I'll see you later!"

Milena rushed back to her dorm and shuffled through the trunk at the end of her bed, looking for some spare parchment and a quill to write back to her parents. She scribbled out a letter back to them to ask if she could spend the summer with the Weasley's again. She didn't think either of them would mind, they usually let her go to the Burrow during the summer, but this was also before Fred had become her boyfriend. She made sure to include in the letter that she'd most likely be bunking with Ginny again, that Mrs. Weasley would take good care of her, and that she was responsible and would write to them as often as she could.

Once she finished the letter, she dug around in her trunk again and found a spare envelope. Addressing it to her dad and tucking the letter into the envelope, she sealed it and made her way straight to the owlery. As she ascended the stairs, she ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione who looked like they were all discussing something important.

"Hi guys," Milena greeted as she began to pass them.

"Hey Milly," Ron greeted, "Oh, Fred and George are up there."

"What for?" Milena questioned, wondering who they would be sending an owl to.

"Wouldn't tell us," Hermione said, "Maybe they'll tell you."

"Alright thanks." Milena said as she turned around walking further up the stairs at a faster pace, trying to keep herself from doing anything irrational. If Fred and George were up there for the reason she thought they might be, she was going to kill them both.

As she approached the door of the owlery, she saw the twins at the otherside of the room, talking back and forth, almost like they were arguing. Milena stood in the door, arms crossed, waiting for them to realize she was watching them. George looked up for a moment and noticed Milena making him tense up a little.

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