Chapter 33 - The Last Game

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Milena stumbled back into the Gryffindor common room, long after the sun had gone down, her hand bleeding and stinging from another cruel form of detention with Umbridge. Fred was waiting on the couch anxiously and immediately stood when he saw Milena, a bandage wrapped around his own hand and a bowl filled with the essence of murtlap waiting for Milena. They both said nothing as she dropped herself onto the couch and he sat back down next to her, putting the bowl on the coffee table.

"Let me see it," Fred said, holding out his unbandaged hand.

Milena slowly held out her hand which was slightly shaking and looked worse than usual. It was still dripping blood. Fred gently held her hand, looking at the cuts and dabbed them with a rag making her hiss at the stinging.

"Godric, how many times did she make you write those lines?" Fred asked.

"I don't know," Milena said, "lost count after fifty one..."

"FIFTY ONE?" Fred shouted, "No wonder you were gone so much longer than me. What did she hold you there so much longer for?"

"Well in her words, 'I have a mouth on me' to which I said 'I do indeed have a mouth' and she didn't find that very funny." Milena smirked. Fred, who would normally have found one of Milena's quips quite funny, was not smiling at all. Instead, he looked intently at the cuts and was scowling at her hand.

Once her hand was done bleeding, he moved it into the bowl and her hand felt instantly better, the stinging feeling like it was completely gone.

"I think I've had enough of that woman..." Fred mumbled as he leaned back on the couch.

"I think everyone has," Milena said, "well except for her inquisitor squad... Those prats."

"Bet you wish you had let me beat up Malfoy now," Fred chuckled, "might have knocked some sense into him."

"Now that would be a miracle." Milena laughed.

After a while of soaking her hand, the cuts mostly healed up, leaving an ugly scar that said "I will not talk back" across the back of her hand. Fred vanished the liquid in the bowl and she dried her hand looking at the scar that was much more prominent than the last one she had had.

"Don't worry, we'll have our revenge on her soon enough." Fred said as he and Milena both began to stand. "Let's just get some rest for now and we'll talk more about it later."

Milena left for bed where all of her roommates were already sound asleep. She crawled into her bed after changing and for once was able to fall right asleep for the night.

The rest of February and March rolled past quickly as the snow had almost entirely melted and the sun seemed to be shining onto the grounds a lot more. Their final quidditch match of the year was coming up soon and their team hadn't been doing so great since Harry, Fred, and George had been kicked from it, but if they could just win this one match, they would win the cup.

Milena was sitting in the change room going over the plans she had helped Angelina with in her head. She stood from the bench and took in a deep breath. Ron was shaking on the bench a little further down, looking as though he might be sick. Ginny and Angelina looked like they were discussing strategies and their new beaters looked like they were both panicking about the game. Everyone was nervous about this game and Milena was just trying to hold faith that they would do alright.

"Alright team," Angelina finally called out, "It's time to play!"

Angelina left the change room and everyone followed behind her, brooms in hand. They entered the pitch and everyone was soon up in the air, the gryffindors on one end and slytherins on the other. Milena glanced at the crowd to see Fred and George sitting by Lee who was announcing the game. Fred waved at her with a goofy grin and George was giving her the thumbs up. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and everyone set off, Angelina grabbing the quaffle first. The slytherins continued to intercept their passes, but Milena was moving too quickly for them; if they intercepted her pass, she'd quickly catch theirs and zoom off. Ron was struggling at first to block the throws from Slytherins side, but suddenly something seemed to change in him. He looked as though he was going to fly one way to block a throw, but quickly went the other way and the quick thinking stopped the goal.

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