Chapter 37 - Firewhiskey

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CW: 18+ Content, Sexual Content

Milena woke up wrapped up in Fred's arms as he still laid there, fast asleep. She carefully slid herself out of his hold and climbed out of bed, leaving the bedroom for the kitchen. George was drinking a cup of coffee and had a piece of toast lathered in strawberry jam, half eaten on his plate. He was reading what looked like the latest copy of the Daily Prophet, frowning as his eyes scanned back and forth on the page.

"Morning," Milena said, going into the kitchen to pour herself some coffee too.

"Morning," He said back, "I have some bad news for you."

"Bad news?" Milena said, turning back to look at him, "someone hasn't died, have they?"

"No, it's about quidditch," he said, shaking his head, "looks like you won't be able to try out. They've cancelled all quidditch until further notice."

Milena grabbed her mug of coffee and swiftly walked over to where George was sitting, taking the page from the Daily Prophet from him.

A Notice from the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports:

Until further notice, all professional quidditch teams, practices, and matches will be cancelled. Quidditch and any other sports or gatherings will be cancelled until it is proven to be safe to move forward.

We apologize for the unfortunate news and hope to allow these sports to continue on soon. (See page 4 for further details.)

"They're really cancelling everything." Milena said, a little disappointed. She handed the page back to George and sat down with him. "Well, I guess I'll be permanent help for the shop then."

"Gives you more time for the Order too." George said.

"I'll just have to wait until this is finally all over," Milena groaned, "if it all ends."

"It will end," George said, sounding sure of himself, "It has to."

They both sat in silence for a minute.

"Well... I better go wake Fred up," Milena said, standing back up, "we've got a shop to run."

The shop was just as busy as ever and people were running around, clearing shelves and buying their items. When the rush of people began to settle, Milena went around to empty shelves and waved her wand over and over again to restock them with the products they were now missing, every so often being called back to the front counter to cash someone out. Fred was wandering around, checking in on customers and helping them find what they were looking for while also managing to upsell almost everyone he spoke to. George was off in the back office, sorting through their orders that had been mailed in and every so often he'd yell out the door to ask Fred if they still had puking pasties or canary creams in stock.

As Milena was finishing restocking a shelf of their trick wands, she heard a ding from the bell at the front counter. Waving her wand one last time to fill the last spot, she turned around and walked up to the counter, not entirely looking where she was going as she checked for other shelves that needed restocking.

"Hi, did you find everythi-" she started to say as she finally looked at the person waiting at the counter. Standing in front of her was a familiar face with a big grin and his curly hair. "Oh my Godric, Lee hi!"

"Hi Milly!" Lee greeted back with a laugh as Milena pulled him into a hug. He was wearing a rather nice set of robes, though his tie was hanging a little loose as it always did, but it was definitely the same old Lee. "How've you been?"

"Doing just fine, how about you, it's been a bit!" Milena said.

"Yeah, it has, thought I'd surprise you guys with a little drop in and finally see this shop everyone's been talking about." Lee said, picking up an extendable ear from a little jar on the counter.

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