Chapter 16 - The Window Sill

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Milena woke the next morning with the letter still in her hand and her clothes from yesterday still on. She looked around the room, seeing that her roommates were already gone and had probably left for breakfast quietly so as not to disturb her. She seemed to have a habit of going to bed much later than her friends, so it was routine at this point for them.

Pulling herself out of bed, she dropped the letter onto her nightstand next to the flowers and left to go take a quick shower and get changed. Once she was dressed, she left for the great hall to meet up with her friends, hoping she hadn't missed breakfast yet, but more than anything, hoping Fred was there so she could ask what had happened the night before. She had little bits and pieces of what had happened, but it still felt groggy to her. She knew she had been in the library working and someone came to talk to her, but after that, everything became blurry. Madam Pomfrey hadn't been much help filling her in on the details, but she was also a hurried sort of person, so Milena didn't expect to find out much from her.

When she entered the great hall, plenty of people were still sitting around tables, eating their breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. Milena spotted Angelina and Lee sitting near the end of the Gryffindor's table and so she walked up to them and sat down, joining them for breakfast.

"Good morning, night owl," Angelina greeted as Milena sat down next to her.

"Good morning, early bird," she greeted back, dropping some toast onto an empty plate.

"Have a fun night, did we?" Lee teased, shoveling some eggs into his mouth.

"I have no idea," Milena casually replied.

"You... have no idea...?" Angelina questioned.

"I have no idea," Milena repeated. "Last thing I remember, I was studying in the library and someone came to talk to me and then next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital wing with Madam Pomfrey hovering over me."

Angelina and Lee both looked at Milena like she had suddenly dropped dead and was now a ghost sitting with them at the table.

"Why were you in the hospital wing? Are you okay? Are you sick?" Angelina questioned with concern.

"Yeah, I feel fine," Milena replied, taking a bite of her toast. "I don't know why I was there, all Madam Pomfrey told me was someone liked me and didn't know how to tell me and Fred had carried me in looking really worried and as soon as he left me there, he went to go talk to Dumbledore."

Milena decided she would leave the part about the card and flowers out for now to save Fred the teasing from Lee. She would surely fill Angelina in on it later.

"It wasn't Fred who-" Angelina began to ask.

"No, Madam Pomfrey is certain he didn't do anything to me. I asked the same thing. She said he looked so worried she thought she was gonna have to put him into one of the hospital beds too, but he was insistent he had to talk to Dumbledore." Milena said to them. "I was hoping I would find Fred down here so I could ask him what had happened. I haven't the faintest idea."

"Ohhhh," Lee said. Milena raised an eyebrow at him. "He came in pretty late last night, he seemed pretty hurried, out of breath. He didn't tell me what was going on and to be fair, I was half asleep. He had told me earlier he was going off to find you after Angelina told him you went to the library."

"Well, I'm gonna have to find him sooner or later if I wanna know what the hell happened." Milena said, finishing her piece of toast. "Have either of you seen him today?"

"When I woke up this morning, he was still asleep," Lee explained. "So, if he's not here now, then he's probably either still in our room, in the common room, or on his way here now."

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