I. The Mysterious Girl

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[A/N]~ So, this is my ever first House of Dragon story. I recently watched the series and fell in love with it and obviously, Daemon.

I have read a few fanfics as well, all amazing and hope one day I can reach their level. ♡.♡

They inspired me and I started to write my own. I know I have a lot of other stories that wait for an update but I felt the need to share this story with others. I don't have anyone else to share it with and it always makes me smile when I see comments of people reacting and saying their opinion. (Something that has always helped my mentality as well)

So here you go, I hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what you all think. I am always open to suggestions and ideas, as well as corrections when it comes to grammar.

I own nothing but my OC that appear in this story.

Be warned, that this story will follow the main plot line to a good extent and the romantic relationship between my oc and Daemon will be slow. I want to build their characters,  take wrong choices, regret decisions and so on... before I officially bring them together.


Everyone had heard stories of the glory of Old Valyria. A land filled with magic and dragons, ancient families ruling over it. Everyone had heard of its downfall, the catastrophe that almost eradicated Everyone.

Few managed to survive the Doom, taking their families and bringing them across the lands and the seas, in hopes of a new home. The most known was the Targaryens, masters of the sky and riders of powerful dragons.

They occupied the skies and the seas were taken by the Velaryions, expert sailors and warriors that feared no storm.

The magic of Old Valyria passed through their veins, gifting them with their unique silver hair; a reminder of those of Valyrian descent. They conquered, spread and grew across the world and made History remember their names.

Along with them, came a small family whose bloodline was aligned with theirs. Gifted magic individuals with the ability to connect and communicate with Dragons like no one else ever could.

However, as Aegon the Targaryen and his sisters left behind a rift in their family, they left their good friends exposed. Greedy individuals rushed to get their hands on those with the ability to tame a dragon by any means necessary.

Years passed and the Dragon Whisperers became less and less until their names were only proof of their once existence. No one had seen one in years and everyone expected them to be extinct, until one fateful day.

There had been rumours of a rogue dragon flying above the lands, close to King's Landing. Viserys, freshly crowned as king, did not want his people to be scared and so he trusted the only other dragon rider to help find this mysterious dragon...his brother.

Prince Daemon never truly understood what the fuzz was about and didn't truly believe a dragon was nearby. It did not make sense for it to be close to King's Landing, let alone roam like that. He spent days patrolling the skies on top of his dragon, Caraxes, yet no sign.

He would not complain, however, for this allowed him to fly free and away from the boring council that did not like him; and he did not like them. He could see them for what they truly were, leeches that will suck his brother dry for their benefit.

He was about to call it a day and return, hoping to find one of his favourite brothel houses and of course, the women he chose to favour when it came to fucking. His train of thought was interrupted as his loyal companion sniffed the air and left warning roars.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the sky above them and he looked up, only to see a huge dark-grey dragon flying above them. The animal was bigger than Caraxes in size, yet smaller than the notorious Vhagar...for now. The dragon flew oddly, quickly lowering to the ground and he quickly spotted injuries and chains on the animal.

He ordered his body wyvern to follow suit and for a moment, he caught sight of the rider's white hair. Now he was intrigued by the mysterious rider, perhaps of Targaryen descent that was mounting such a beast.

In the end, the Dragon made its way towards the dragon pits and landed close by, most likely finding it more familiar due to the smell of dragons that existed and kept existing inside. The landing was a rough one, the animal was tired and quickly lay on the ground for some rest.

The earth beneath it cracked from the weight as the animal finally took a chance to relax. Their eyes closed quickly and a heavy breath left their nostrils. The mysterious rider seemed to be almost unconscious on the back and its petite figure quickly slipped down, landing with a harsh thud on the ground.

Daemon lowered and landed his dragon close by, careful not to scare the huge beast. His feet touched the ground and he slowly approached the new dragon.

It was a beast, with dark greyish scales that looked rough and strong from that distance

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It was a beast, with dark greyish scales that looked rough and strong from that distance.

The fins at the back of its neck had a dying orange hue, more vibrant at the edges and almost fully grey at the base. Two horns sprouted from the forehead sides and rows of sharp teeth occupied the mouth. The colour of its wings membranes seemed to be a duller version of the fins, with a hint towards grey. The most noticeable feature was the tale, a sharp edge at the end like the tail of a Scorpio or the blade of a spear; capable of big damage.

The dragon had sensed him and opened its yellow eyes, looking down at the young Prince. Mouth slowly open, he judged the character of the newcomer before he eventually approved, allowing Daemon to approach.

He made sure to avoid touching the dragon and instead focused on the unconscious rider. As he approached, he realised that it was a young girl, a few years older than his niece. Hair as silver as his, almost mistaken for white under the bright sunlight. Her body was bare, except for a half-destroyed piece of cloth wrapped around her enveloped chest and private areas.

The girl looked malnourished and weak, with bones visibly protruding and Scars decorating parts of her pale skin, some more recent than others.

Daemon had a lot of questions but all could be answered at a later time. For now, he had a job to do. He took off his cloak and wrapped it gently around the girl's body, surprised the dragon had not stopped him.

He lifted the young kid with ease, her body practically weighing nothing at that moment. Just as he fixed his grip on her, holding her bride style, his cloak moved and he finally got a good look at a black marking right beneath her collarbone.

He almost dropped the kid as he recognised the symbol of a dragon, something he had only seen in books as he grew up. Only a few ever carried that symbol on their skins, stories saying that they were born with it and immediately were chosen to be what most could only dream of...a dragon whisperer.

His Dragoness (Daemon Targaryen x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя