Only rain and stormy weather

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Rain is stuck in his head, images of that day playing in his mind like a terrible movie, Danaisak's voice loud in his ears.

"You're making me do this, sweetheart. You brought this upon yourself."
Strong hands are shaking him roughly.
"I know you want it. I can smell it on you."
A heavy weight is pressing him against cold tiles, hands like vices keeping him from moving. The feeling of something wet and warm on his cheek.
"I'm way better than your P-Phayu. I can do things that arrogant bastard can only dream of. I can make you cum in ways you can't even imagine."
The pressure of his arousal pushing against him. He's going to be sick.

He's shaking violently, tears streaming over his face. He can barely breathe. He had been somewhat successful in pushing these memories down but now they resurface with a force that knocks the air out of him. Phayu is holding him in his arms, trying to calm him down but he's too far gone to notice this. Sky is sitting on the ground, staying close but refrains from touching him. Prapai is right next to them and keeps an eye on Danaisak who is smart enough to stay where he is.

"I'm sorry. I tried. I can't. Please. I'm sorry, Phi. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Rain sobs.

"Shhh..." Phayu shushes him. "It's okay, baby, I'm right here. I've got you."

His words don't seem to reach him. The boy's eyes stay tightly closed, his arms wrapped around himself. His entire body is trembling as he gasps for air between the apologies that are pouring out of his mouth. Whatever he's seeing, it has a strong hold on him and Phayu doesn't know how to bring him back to the surface. He turns away slightly so he can look at Sky. The boy's eyes seem strangely haunted, there's a painful familiarity to it.

"Nong Sky?" He asks, trying to draw his attention.

His junior doesn't react, his gaze trained on his best friend. Phayu can see there's a smear of blood on his chin, coming from a gash in his lip. The first signs of a bruise are already showing. He makes a mental note to thank Sky later for defending his boy. Now, however, he could still very much use his help.

"Sky!" He calls out.

He curses inwardly when he sees the boy flinch but now he could at least be certain that he heard him.

"Help me bring him back." He says in answer to his questioning look.

Sky moves closer to his friend, not sure if touching him is the best idea. But he knows Rain's way of dealing with stuff is different from how he copes. He likes to be touched in most situations, he even seems to be craving it. So maybe...
He places both hands on his friend's cheeks, gently manipulating him in such a way that, should he open his eyes, he would be looking right at him.

"Rain. Open your eyes." He says in a calm yet firm way.

There's no reaction other than more mumbled apologies.
He uses a bit more force this time, increasing the pressure on his face.

"Rain! Look at me!" He calls out a bit louder. "It's okay. You're okay. You're safe."

Sky turns towards Phayu again. The man is still holding Rain firmly against his chest, preventing him from hurting himself. Not that his friend is trying to pull away. On the contrary, his body seems to be realizing that whoever's touching him isn't a threat and is instinctively pushing himself closer. An idea crosses his mind. It's probably a bit too far fetched yet it's definitely worth trying.

"Kiss him." He says.

"What?" Phayu asks incredulously.

"Kiss. Him." Sky repeats again.

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