Whispers about rain

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Rain smiles at his phone while walking through the hallway on his way to class. He had messaged Phayu, telling him about the good grades he'd gotten earlier. Now his boyfriend had replied with praise and a promise of a reward for when he would come back home later that day. His overactive mind provided him with all sorts of possibilities for the prize he would get.

"Really, he's gotten in over his head, pursuing someone as handsome and talented as him."

"Do you think he's aware that he's only being toyed with?"

The conversation was just loud enough for Rain to hear but he didn't pay any attention to it. His thoughts still somewhere else entirely. Until there was a certain familiarity to the names they were using. It made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Aware? Rain? Seriously, The boy is so stupid he wouldn't even know the truth when it hit him in the face."

"Honestly, I don't get what P-Phayu sees in him."

"Cheap entertainment, maybe?"

"Whatever it is, it's not going to last long."

Rain turns his eyes to the small group of classmates that are talking about him. Right at that moment they seem to realize he is there as they all turn to look at him. The boy who made the last remark gives him a mocking look. His eyes gleaming with something Rain doesn't quite recognize and an unsettling grin plastered on his face.
Rain ducks his head and quickly walks away. His good mood from earlier completely dissolved.


During class, Rain can barely keep his focus. The words of his peers are swirling inside his head making it hard for him to pay attention to what is being said.

What did they mean? Was he really being toyed with? Surely he wasn't. Phayu had already told him that he loved him. More than once. And that whole thing with Stop... If Phayu was only playing, why would he go through that entire ordeal, let himself be humiliated and beaten like that? No, Phayu loved him. He was sure of that.

But it didn't stop the whirlwind of thoughts. Self doubt started to settle in. His boyfriend might love him, yes. But why?

Sky nudges him which makes him jump slightly in his seat.

"Rain, where are you right now?" He asks. His eyes immediately fill with concern upon seeing the boy's troubled expression. "Hey, are you okay?"

After a beat of silence, Rain nods.
"I'm fine." He answers quietly and he gives his friend a smile. He doesn't want to concern him. This was nothing, right? Just some crude remarks of jealous people.

Sky observes him for a second and sighs.
"Alright. Just try to pay a little more attention, please. Or else you won't be able to pass the next test."

"I'm sorry." Rain says with a small pout. "Can I borrow your notes again?"

Sky rolls his eyes and dramatically huffs out a breath. He can barely contain himself from grinning when he sees his friends' dark orbs turn into his signature doe eyes.

"Can I? Na, Na, Na?"

He can't help it. The boy simply knew how to get things to work out his way. Sky is certain he was more than aware of what he was doing. He can't help smiling and shakes his head.

"What would you do without me, huh?" He sighs. "Sure. Your best friend will lend you his notes, yet again. Just pay me back with an ice cream or something."

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