If you have to walk through the rain, I'll hold your hand.

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It's been almost four weeks since that awful night. Phayu has been working from home the entire time. After a short explanation, his boss had understood the reason for him to stay home and they found a way to make it work.
Sky had visited often, checking in on his friend and giving him the notes he wrote during class. Rain, at first, had complained about having to work for school but he knew that if he didn't want to fall behind even more, he would have to make use of his time to study.
During his visits, his best friend kept him updated on the things that were going on at the university. He talked about Sig's and Por's antics and about Ple helping the two of them to tease her brother who seemed to be looking one more push away from exploding. He told him how people had been asking about him and what happened but assured him that he only told them he was healing and would be coming back soon.
However, he didn't talk about how Danaisak was still attending classes, pretending like nothing happened and how he had blatantly lied about how he'd gotten a broken nose. Sky, being the only one who knew the truth, had kept quiet which allowed the bastard to continue on with his studies, for now. He wanted to allow Rain to heal without him having to worry about this. That is, until it was time for him to get back to school.

Rain's injuries have been healing nicely. Most of his bruises have faded entirely by now, his ribs are giving him barely any discomfort anymore and though he still needs to be careful with his wrist for a few more weeks, he learned to do everything with one hand. It's his sprained ankle that's giving him a hard time. Mostly because he can't stay still to save his life. Phayu has told him over and over again to stay off his feet and let it rest but his words of warning only have the desired effect for a short while. He isn't doing it on purpose. Sitting around is just... annoying.

After a last checkup with the doctor, Rain is deemed good enough to attend his classes again. He's not looking forward to it. He'd gotten quite comfortable with the way things had been going, Phayu constantly close to him and taking care of him. He doesn't really feel like going back to that place, facing everyone and undoubtedly getting bombarded with a multitude of questions. If he is entirely honest with himself, it makes him very anxious. But he knows that this can't last forever so he sucks it up and prepares to brave whatever's to come.

Phayu drives him to school. They will have a meeting with the headmaster first, the man wanting to hear from Rain himself what happened that day.
When Sky had come to tell Rain that Danaisak was still around and that talking to the principal was unfortunately something that had to be done in order to get rid of him, the boy had gotten an emotional outburst the size of a hurricane. He'd gone from angry and miserable to frightened and petrified in the span of a few minutes which ended in a panic attack that left him entirely drained. He scared the living daylights out of both his boyfriend and his best friend that day but they understood. After that, he'd come to terms with what he had to do.

"It's going to be okay, Rain."
Phayu reassures him for the umpteenth time that day, finally breaking the silence that has been hanging around them.

"I know." Rain sighs.

He's looking out of the window to the scenery that's passing by. He's been trying to distract his mind but he can't help the nervous feeling that's been gnawing at his chest.

"Once you've talked with the dean, there's no way he'll still be allowed to stay in school. You won't have to see him anymore."

"I know." The boy replies again, his voice sounding oddly monotone.

Phayu glances at him for a brief second before turning his attention back on the road. He worries if it is too soon after all. But he knows that it's something that has to happen eventually and waiting another week will probably not make it any easier.

"I'll be staying with you. You don't need to do this on your own." He reminds him. "And Sky will be there as well."

"I know." The boy mutters a third time in that same, dull, tone.

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