When it rains, it pours

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When Rain wakes up the following day, Phayu has already left for work. Since he would only have an afternoon lecture, he idles around the house, texting his boyfriend and tidying the place, until it is time to leave.
Rain isn't really looking forward to school. Even though Phayu had effectively distracted him enough from what happened the day before, the conversation he overheard had returned to his mind that morning and he just couldn't shake the miserable way it made him feel. Eventually he pushes it all down and forces himself to get into his car and drives to school.
He meets Sky, Por and Sig who are waiting for him at the entrance of the building. When he lays his eyes on them he lets out a relieved breath he didn't even know he was holding. He finds his reaction quite stupid but, whatever. Walking to the lecture together with them just makes him feel better.

"How was your night, nong Fon?" Sig teases while he drapes his arm around his shoulder.

"Don't call me Fon!" Rain says with mild irritation, pushing the boy away from him. He'd told his friend often enough but Sig simply doesn't seem to care and laughs.

"If my guess is correct, you must have had an amazing night! P-Phayu rewarded you, didn't he?" Rain's most infuriating friend asks with a knowing smirk on his face.

Rain stops walking and looks at him with big, shocked eyes. How did he know about that? Did he read his messages? Who had he been talking to? Was he spying on them? Did he install a secret camera somewhere?
The shock and confusion on the boy's face must have been very clear as always because Sig starts to laugh loudly. Sky rolls his eyes and hits the obnoxious boy on the back of his head. Por decides to have mercy on him.

"We wanted to go out yesterday evening to celebrate after working so hard. P-Phayu somehow knew about this and called Sky, asking to please not invite you since he had a reward planned. We were there when he answered the phone." Por explains.

"Ooh..." Is all the response Rain can bring out. He smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head.

"Âi Rain, I swear, I love you. Being your friend is cheap entertainment." Sig blurts out with an amused laugh.

Rain's face falls.
'Honestly, I don't get what P-Phayu sees in him.'
'Cheap entertainment, maybe?'

"Rain?" Sky asks worriedly. His friend's crestfallen expression reminds him about the day before. "What's going on?"

The boy shakes his head, coming back to the present. "I... It's nothing. Isn't the lecture going to start? Let's go!" He walks away from them with hurried steps, not willing to start this conversation, silently afraid that his friends would confirm his doubts even more.

"Rain, wait!" Sky shouts as he runs after him.

"Was it something I said?" Sig asks Por, his eyebrows raised in puzzlement. The boy simply shakes his head and proceeds to class, leaving his confused friend behind.


Rain finds himself a spot in front of the classroom so he will be able to concentrate better. He ignores his friend's questions and busies himself by going over his papers. To his relief they seem to give up quickly and start to talk with Ple and a few others about their outing from the previous evening. He is only half paying attention until the girl turns the conversation towards him.

"It's sad that you weren't there, Rain. I bet you would have liked the food as well."

"Yes, where were you anyway?" A student in the back of the class asks.

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