To catch a raindrop

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At home, Phayu confesses that it had been his plan to catch them in the act so he could confront them without them being able to deny it. He also explains how he asked Sky to keep his distance and how his friend had been opposed to the idea at first but came around after thinking about it, knowing that they would probably not show their true faces otherwise and it had been Por who told them to film everything. Rain listens silently, his eyes never leaving his boyfriend's face when he speaks.

"Are you mad at me?" Phayu asks, his head tilted to the side as he observes him.

"No, of course not." Rain is quick to reply.

"I'm sorry I took so long to get to you." He apologizes. "I should have intervened sooner. But I am so proud of you, my sweet boy. You did so well, standing up to them. It can't have been easy."

"I wanted to run." The boy admits. "But I also wanted to finally stand up for myself. I guess what you said to me yesterday gave me the courage to do so."

Phayu smiles brightly at that and pulls his boyfriend into his arms, holding him tight. It makes Rain feel warm and safe. Happy butterflies dance around in his stomach. He hugs him back, pressing himself even closer.

"Thank you, P-Phayu, for saving me, again." He says, his voice heavy with emotions.

"I will always come to your rescue, cute boy." The elder teases before turning serious. "I love you so much, darling."

He pushes him away slightly so he can look at his face, his eyes darting between his eyes and his lips. The younger boy get's the hint and takes the first step. He moves forward and presses his lips against Phayu's. It's soft and sweet at first but soon turns passionate.
Somewhere during their fervent kissing, Phayu picks his boy up in his arms and carries him up the stairs, fully intending on showing him just how much he loves and adores him.

The next day at school it's obvious that things had already changed. No one but his friends approach Rain and none of the other students dare to say anything remotely bad. They know that their senior has eyes everywhere and wouldn't want to risk getting in his bad graces more than they already had.
Ant, Bank and Danaisak had indeed been asked to explain their behavior. The first two had gotten away with a slap on the wrist but the third one got suspended from school for a week because of his violent outburst. Rain is quite relieved when he hears this and finally feels like he can breathe again.

On the second day he is sitting with his friends at a table outside when some people approach them. He instantly tenses when he sees them coming, recognizing them as some of the seniors who taunted him before. Sky moves closer to him and glares warningly at the men. However, just as he's about to tell them to get lost, they surprise them by making a wai.

"Nong Rain," one of them says, "we're truly sorry about the way we treated you. We shouldn't have. It was very disrespectful and you didn't deserve that."

"We hope that you can find it in you to forgive us but we would understand it if you can't." Another one adds.

"We acted out of jealousy and that's totally unacceptable. Please accept our sincerest apologies." The third says.

The group looks at them in disbelief, their eyes almost falling out of their sockets as the trio bows again.

"I uhm, I guess it's okay?" Rain says a bit startled.

"Thank you, nong. You really are a bighearted person." The first one admits.

"If there's anything you would ever need help with, we're more than willing to provide it. Don't hesitate to ask."

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