A dream, doubts and watery confessions

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Rain is walking alone into the school building. There are barely any people around. For a second he wonders if he missed anything but when some students rush past him talking about a certain handsome senior visiting the school, he follows them, wondering why Phayu didn't tell him he would pass by, or drive there together. When he rounds the corner, he stops dead in his tracks. His boyfriend is surrounded by both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Not only Sky, Sig, Por and Ple are standing close to him, no, right beside the man he loves is the man he hates. Danaisak, joined by his friends, is talking animatedly with Phayu. They seem to be joking around and everyone laughs. Rain can feel his heart shatter. Of course he couldn't blame his lover since he kept him in the dark but his friends knew something was wrong. They had heard the things their classmates had said to him. And yet, right now they are talking like they are the best of friends. Danaisak spots him and his expression morphs into something menacing. At first, all he wants to do is turn around and run but he realizes, with Phayu there, they won't dare to do anything. He walks closer to the group, his friends yet to notice him.

"You'd think he would have found out by now. Even someone as stupid as him, if he only used his brain..." Sky says which makes Rain halt.

"I admire you, honestly. I wouldn't have the patience to be around him. He's so irritating." Ple says. "I'm glad he finally gave up running after me."

Rain frowns. 'Who are they talking about?' He wonders. He moves forward but the second they notice him, smiles disappear. Some of them turn around, their eyes cold and indifferent.

Phayu is looking at him with a hard gaze. It's far from the expression Rain is used to seeing. 'Is P-Phayu mad at me? What did I do?' He thinks. Dread creeps into his heart as he comes to realize that everything they've been saying must be true. His P-Phayu isn't his after all. He is just his senior who wanted to play with him for a while but is finally fed up. He now sees Rain for what he is, a ridiculous, brainless little brat, definitely not worth his time. The one, and probably only good trait he has, not weighing up against every annoying thing he does.

Tears are starting to gather in his eyes as he looks at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Don't be a crybaby. You knew it would come to this in the end. Even you can't be that stupid." Phayu says, his voice harsh.

"I don't understand. What's happening? I thought you loved me?"

"Loved you?" He sneers. "Of course not! How could I ever love such a dimwitted brat like you?"

"But... but you..."

"Forget it, nong. I'm tired of having to put up with your behavior. I'm sick of having you run after me and I don't have the energy to play with you anymore. I'm done. We're done!" He shouts and turns around, facing away from him.

Rain searches for Sky in hopes to find some support but his friend has his arms crossed in front of his chest. His back is still turned towards him but Rain can see it. He is angry with him, maybe even more than that. He knows him well enough by now to see it in the way he's holding himself.

"Sky?" He asks, his voice small and uncertain.

He doesn't get any reaction from him. His eyes dart over the faces in the crowd but is only met with irritated glares.

"Wh... What's going on? What did I do? Why are you all angry? I don't understand."

"You never do, do you, you half-witted moron!" Sig snaps.

"I'm sorry." Rain whimpers, wrapping his arms protectively around himself.

"Sorry?" Sky scoffs. "What are you apologizing for?"

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